Sometimes I catch myself yearning for a North Korean know one who just gets things done and doesn't have to pander to special interest groups and those with cash...I even walk down the breakfast cereal isle and long for how wonderful the decision process must be in the PRK...its all done for you there is just the one to chose from and you are on your way to the rice and finally the salt isle.
Watching the new series of "Farmer wants a Wife". I was struck with the odd sense of how liberal the show had become, however. spent the next half hour being dumbstruck at the unfolding shenanigans of a certain farmer who lets just say ... didn't seem too natural speed-dating women... I was sure there was going to be a punchline. You know - one where the girls were actually vetting a farmer for their brother.
Tony Abbott found out this week that there are many ways to say 'So you have all the armaments and support you need... despite this and all your training and excellent abilities one of your men died in this war'.... unfortunately Tony did as many men do chose the words 'shit happens' instead. It's a common phrase and one that like many must be used in context, after all its not something you say when you are giving a eulogy, or replying to the news your safety conscious grandmother slipped and broke her hip.
As an Australian I don't like it much when foreigners cast negative judgements on my country especially when it comes to the mechanics of how our country is governed (after all it is these mechanics that have lead to our incredible stability freedoms and peaceful society). As a guest of Australia Michael Parkinson spoke on Australia Day about his views on our Monarchy and his opinion that we should get rid of our Queen and become an obscure republic. In order for balance I thought it appropriate to pass on the comments of another foreigner and a fellow Briton. Mayor of London Boris Johnson recounts an amusing story about his stay in Australia and then explains why people are attached to the monarchy. But he doesn't tell us what to do, as Sir Michael unwisely did as a guest of this country offered the great honour of speaking at a function called by the official Australia Day Council.