I have been told several times that David Graham the actor Played Big Brother .... I never really understood what people were talking about and thought nothing of it....after you hear a lot of things that don't often make sense.
But I thought it was rather odd twist of fate that my namesake was the Actor that Played the incarnate Big Brother in a 1984 commercial.
In December 1987 there was a change in Leadership in Queensland which was followed by another change 2 years later, both these occurred without election by the people, these were not the first unelected Premiers of Queensland nor have they been the last. What is interesting about them is they involved 3 of the last 4 non-Labor Premiers of Queensland.
Today a friend of mine had to work and was unable to help her 9 year old do his Current Affairs assignment for school, so I helped out. I hope I did ok and have given an informative 2 minute speech on the topic of 'Prince William Visiting Australia'.
Prince William truly is a man of our time. As a Search and Rescue Helicopter Pilot he has a perfect understanding of what the many victims of the recent natural disasters go through and provides a unique link between them and our oldest institution.
Once again we see the terrible results of the tectonic plate movements below populated areas with a massive M8.9 Earthquake and accompanying Tsunami which in some places may have been up to 10m in height.
The images have been beyond extraordinary. People and property being thrown about. Entire towns swept inland amongst farms, boats and vehicles like they were all just leaves afront the might of the water.