Drought has become a constant reminder that Dave's farm is truly situated in the driest farmed continent on earth, here are a selection of videos showing the effects of these increasingly severe droughts as well as the ways he and his family are managing them.

Realities of Drought - Silage

Media type
Making  Silage - Farmer Dave

Making Silage - Farmer Dave

Farm life with David Graham - Making Silage Drought Food stored underground. Sep...


Dave talks about the silage that keeping the cattle going through the drought on his father's property

Realities of Drought - Distributing the Silage

Media type
Carting Silage

Carting Silage

Farm life with David Graham


Distributing the silage that keeps the cattle going through the drought on Dave's father's property

Realities of Drought - Feeding Stock

Media type
Cattle Food

Cattle Food

Farm life with David Graham

Dave talks about feeding stock through the drought

Realities of Drought - Watering Stock

Media type
Watering Stock

Watering Stock

Farm life with David Graham

Dave talks about watering stock through the drought

Realities of Drought - Feeding Native Wildlife

Media type
Feeding Wildlife

Feeding Wildlife

Farm life with David Graham

Dave talks about the effects of drought on Native Fauna