Tony Abbott found out this week that there are many ways to say 'So you have all the armaments and support you need... despite this and all your training and excellent abilities one of your men died in this war'.... unfortunately Tony did as many men do chose the words 'shit happens' instead. It's a common phrase and one that like many must be used in context, after all its not something you say when you are giving a eulogy, or replying to the news your safety conscious grandmother slipped and broke her hip.
When I first saw the footage of Abbott and the Ch7 reporter's exchange regarding the remark I was shocked to say the least and really did think that it was astounding that the Leader of the Opposition would say something like that. However when I heard its full context on Radio a short time later it made perfect sense, the man is a mans man and was in a war zone speaking with hardened men.
However Tony's response to the Ch7 reporter's consistent questioning of the insensitivity of the remark is something that I think will resonate in peoples minds. The Liberal leader seemed to shake in silence for what seemed like half a minute as a viewer you watch on in horror and can only assume what WWF moves were going through Abbott's head.
The other major unfortunate thing about this situation is that it was a problem (Tony Abbott realizing the Liberal Party position that our troops were under supported was wrong...hence the remark) which followed a problem (Tony Abbott arriving in Afghanistan well after the PM's visit) which followed a problem (Tony Abbotts reasoning for not visiting Afghanistan with the PM...that he didn't want to be jet lagged for his trip to the UK)....this really is a situation of jumping from the spit, into the pot, into the fire.....but hey shit happens.