Whilst blogging on the British Riots (and yes I'll call them British despite the odd BBC renaming them English) I was surprised by the number of people who emailed me their ideas on what they call 'Agent Provocateurs', that is Policemen dressed as rioters to insight them to do further damage.
Seriously I used to think that folks who reckoned the Moon Landing was faked just needed to see it for themselves, or needed more actual witnesses. However the 9/11 attacks made it very clear that a huge amount of humans will disregard what they can see and assume that their must be greater forces at work.
Strangely the main reasoning behind the thinking that UK Police actually are behind the rioting is that some protesters have the same boots as the police....
Fair enough I suppose.... however I'll stick with the story that mobs of bored young Brits did the rioting, people with little self respect and even less for others.