Its been a week and I what I thought was hayfever as a result of the season change has continued into a really nasty sinusitis. I rarely get a wog, so when I do I'm usually at a loss as to what to do.
Thankfully I have a mother that knows just what to do....and I followed her advice and think I have consumed two years worth of Chili, Garlic, Lemon Juice and Ginger. Lots of broth, lots of head over a hot bowl of water with Eucalyptus Oil and many many mugs of lemon, ginger and dark honey.
I'm not sure whether these remedies that have been employed for many generations of my family have killed off the wog... but what I do know is it made me feel a hell of a lot better... I just fear for the 86,000 people I will be running with tomorrow and that I will probably resemble Moses parting the red sea as a sweat it all out on the way to Bondi.