Dave was on hand to launch Shelly Argents New Book Opening The Door at the Avid Reader Book Store, Westend, Brisbane on Friday 15th of May.

"I am so proud to be launching this book by Shelly Argent. Shelly is a mother who has worked incredibly hard to help other mothers come to terms with their children who 'come out' in her role as the President of PFLAG. She also is a force to be reckoned with..., lobbying governments to extend equal rights to all citizens. She truly is an inspiring person." Dave

Opening the door is about one mother's efforts to understand her son's life and be part of his world. It will inform readers of how family values can be shaken, the confusion about feelings and the unexpected reactions that can tip a family off balance when your child tells you they're gay. You don't have to have a gay son or lesbian daughter to find this book of interest. It intends to give readers greater understanding of the issues involved.

Since author Shelley Argent's son 'came out', advocacy and community education has become a major part of her life. Opening the door is about Argent's journey over the past decade supporting families, educating the public and advocating for equality. She was awarded an OAM in 2005 for her efforts in assisting understanding and acceptance of those living in the gay community. Argent is the national spokesperson for PFLAG (Parents & Friends of Lesbians & Gays) Australia.

'As her gay son James says, Shelley Argent is "an exceptional lady". She tells how to handle a child's coming out. Thanks to her, Australia is "coming out" of the dark ages of prejudice and medieval stigma.' - The Honorable Michael Kirby AC CMG

You can obtain a copy from PFLAG Brisbane for $20 (All proceeds go to PFLAG Brisbane.) - click here

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Introducing Open the Door P1

Dave Introduces Shelley's Argents's Book

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Introducing Open the Door P2

David Graham's Blog - www.farmerdave.com.au