US Republican NomineesI am a great admirer of the United States and often take an interest in their affairs which lead me today to Fox News and the Republican Presidential Nominee Debates and .....WOW.

The number of candidates who spoke of the unity with Israel and labeled Iran as the number one enemy of the US was astounding with only Congressman Ron Paul argued the point of quitting an aggressive foreign policy and focusing on issues that will actually affect the American people.

Like many in the world I appreciate the American Alliance and the protection the US can give and if there has to be a global policeman I am glad it is a Yank in comparison to the other options. However this bizarre focus on Iran leaves me bewildered.

The running theme between the candidates is about having freedom and liberty and yet they mostly talk about what control they want to have on the economy, their society and the wider world.

Watching the debates I was very much so impressed by Huntsman and Paul.... simply because they were the two candidates that rather than focus on what they are 'fighting' for these two men said lets calm down and use some common decency... where as the others throughout the debate focused on what control they want on their fellow Americans and the world they live in.

...and I have to say...that Congresswoman Bachman.... probably has more in common with the Iranian Regime she wants controlled than the average American who just wants to live their own life.