BitchingWhen having a yarn with my mates I often wonder if we stay with a bad partner or a fee hiking bank or a no service Telco ... just because its more fun to bitch than to do the smart thing and switch.

Sometimes I wonder with myself... am I really doing myself a diservice by sticking with this mob? ..whatever it is. I think if Im serious with myself I would probably often say that I'm involved with an organisation or use a certain service provider because I secretly like to complain... or if that is not the case I am pretty dopey cause geez i mix up with the annoying outfits, and I'd have to be a bit sad to stick with them.

Not sure if any of this makes sense.. but I think it does... and I think you too might wonder with yourself why you stuck with a crap bank or always went to that rude coffee joint.

Maybe we should switch more and bitch less ;)