the house in surryhillsI read of a woman who was found in an Inner Sydney Flat and appears to be that of the owner who has not been heard from for over 8 years. The reason it 'appears' to be the owner is because the body is so decayed and their is no dental or denture identification available for the decayed corpse.

It is my greatest fear to end my life this way....alone and without anything or anyone noticing. I am not religious so it is not about where my carcass ends up. It is perhaps a narcissism to want to have been noticed that I lived.

I was so upset for this woman, to think that she lived and passed and no one noticed her enough to check on her. I rang many of my friends today, most of which I haven't spoken to in years. Just to hear their voices and to let them know without saying it... I know you, I notice you and most importantly I care what you are doing it and I am appreciative that I have been fortunate to be in your life.

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