flying pigDoes Julia Gillard really take us for a mob of mugs?

Her latest line is that most of us will be better of with a Carbon Tax .... So what the?

 Is this a tax that will decrease the use of Carbon Fuels and rollback Climate Change or is this plain and simple a Wealth Distribution Tactic?

If this Government was serious about decreasing the use of Carbon Fuels they need just do what they have done to decrease Australia's production of Uranium....limit its source. That is stop mining it in the first place. After all if its not out of the ground it can not be burned and therfore climate change would be rolled back.

But no this Government doesn't really give a shot about the amount of human produced Carbon, it just cares about wealth distribution and how to get in the pockets of those that will ensure its re-election...and yes that includes the very people who dig the stuff up in the first place.

Its high time we had a government that actually really did what it said rather than use the emotional topic of climate change as a tool to redistribute wealth.