The term 'El Nino' has almost become one of those terms that just means 'weather' it has been around so long. If you haven't heard the term you are either reading this in Iceland (hope things are getting better for you guys) or you are a recent successful recipient of a cochlear implant and are new to hearing altogether. Whilst the 'boy' meant a buggered anchovy harvest in Peru is meant drought for Eastern Australia, it meant the deaths of tens of thousands of our cattle, sheep, goats, the decimation of our wildlife, the deaths of hundreds of country people from bushfires and the sad slow onset of deppresion and its resulting suicides.
So you think there would be a welcoming respite in the form of the converse weather event 'La Nina'? well initially she heralded a new era in Eastern Australia's fortunes with farmers undeterred with years of failed crops planted vast acreages with winter crops of Oats, Barley, Chickpeas and Wheat on the hope that this year was the year that would wash away the failures.
From a wet start .....TBC