Playing the sad game of politics
The role of women has changed in Main stream Australia vastly since the time of my Birth. Whilst our Nation was born under a female Sovereign, as I was, it was almost unthinkable 30 years ago that we would have our current female leadership of Governor-General, Prime Minister, Governor and Premier. However what it does show is there are no barriers to success outside the traditional roles left for women in our society.
Queensland's Opposition Leader John -Paul Langbroek recently highlighted the success of his Radio and TV personality sister Kate. He was pointing out his pride in the fact that she had used her intelligence rather than her looks as was the case in previous generations.
What he said is simple fact women involved in the media in the past moved forward often due to their appearance now this is relevant to both sexes just as is the ability to move forward through ability and intelligence.
For the Prime Minister and Premier Bligh to come out and criticise Mr Langbroek for highlighting reality is just pathetic partisan politics. All this will do is highlight these media managing game players for what they are. Bligh is currently sitting on a 70% dissatisfaction rating here in Queensland, this has nothing to do with her sex and everything to do with her inability to successfully handle the honourable position of Premier of Queensland. The people of Australia have moved on from seeing any difference between the sexes when it comes to leadership and Premier Bligh has shown that women are just as able as men to be shit leaders.
Australia is a true enlightened Nation unlike other nations who elect female leaders due to them being the Wife/Daughter of a revered male politician, here we elect females purely on merit and thanks to the hurdle being jumped by Ms Gillard and the now long List of female state and Territory leaders we will have a much more balanced view of our leaders regardless of their sex.
I remember as a kid often hearing in local bush gatherings of ladies that if we had female leaders there wouldn't be as many wars and things would be very different. At the time i didn't really understand this logic as I looked at Britain, India and later Pakistan and saw that the women leaders there just were leaders and invested in military and conflict just as men did (Thatcher went to War in her first term, and Gandhi was one of the most Iron fisted democtrats in the world). Thankfully now we are all aware that there is no 'women's touch' to leadership. Leaders are leaders regardless of sex and we can get over looking at differences between our sexes.
Gillard has proven that even as a female and an atheist she believes in lawful inequality, continuing the line that marriage is for a woman and a man and that same sex relationships are not valid, despite the reality that these unions are as long lasting as opposite sex unions and also now incorporate the raising of children.
Sadly though for young girls who look up to the likes of Paris Hilton, will have a rude shock when they leave the cocoon of childhood. The Australia in which we now live demands ability and merit rather than looks and lineage.