dogs arguing'Amongst 3 dog trainers there is only One thing Two Dog trainers can Agree on and that is that the Third one is doing it Wrong.'

The most advice I have heard in the past several years that I have been highly involved in the Dog World is don't get involved you will be ripped to shreds. Whilst it is true I have been on the receiving end of some of the most vicious and co-ordinated attacks, it hardly compares to what has happened to many I know in the industry, which really does puzzle me...why in an industry which is all about the care and love of mans best friend are we so hellbent on being worst enemies?

I get that we can disagree, but why the passion, why the need for such vitriolic hate and demonisation?


I recently was accused of everything from being an advocate of Dominance theory (which I am not) and increased BSL (which I am not). As well as this demonising certain breeds of dog, which came about when it was suggested that an article I wrote in response to people who have purchased dogs of a specific purpose and had major problems as the dogs begin exhibiting their innate behaviours.

Is it not possible to say 'STOP, THINK, Think and Think again?

In this world of I need it now and I don't have time, I wrote an article in the hope that at least a few of the many people that will look at a beautiful Maremma or a big tuff Pig Dog and inappropriately think that they can deal with these dogs in an urban environment without much care and attention, would think again about such a purchase.

Instead I was attacked left right and centre for daring to say ' look at other breeds that may have behaviours that suit your needs better'.

What does a person do when they get attacked, in this I think of how dogs learn...

When you punish dogs you may get subservience and you may increase fear and aggression as a consequence, as opposed to positive reinforcement which encourages confidence and repeated good behaviours. Perhaps this is why the dog world is so aggressive, there is so much fear out there which has been applied and it is a circle of fear and aggression which is becoming self perpetuating.

Well the one bed rock I live by in Dog training is this, reward behaviours you want and ignore behaviours you do not. By writing this blog I have fallen in to this circle. So what do I many suggest stay the hell away from Dog World? or do I get in and do what I can to bring about positive change in the way we humans of the Dog World Interact?

Its a hard choice but as My father told me a thousand times, Stand Tall keep your eyes Open and when every one is running you Walk.

So I tread carefully but my eyes are open and so are my ears, for regardless of the hate that is directed at me each person in amongst it all can teach me something for which I am very appreciative of...I just have to be careful not to get to boxed around the head and remain open to what I am being told.