Sometimes I catch myself yearning for a North Korean know one who just gets things done and doesn't have to pander to special interest groups and those with cash...I even walk down the breakfast cereal isle and long for how wonderful the decision process must be in the PRK...its all done for you there is just the one to chose from and you are on your way to the rice and finally the salt isle.
But hey as Egyptians and Tunisians are loudly been jumping up and down saying that having a lack of democracy isn't the best way to get around making the hard choices between 18 varieties of weet-bix.
However I have to say being on a committee really does make me loath majority rule and consensus. Things just seem to take for ever to be 'actioned'...I mean there is no two ways about it I like to get things done and yesterday preferably so me and committees are all about taking deep breaths before I speak and when others are exercising their larynx's.
I'm on one particular committee which met tonight as we do each month and discussed a vast array of issues and one which I have been bring up for a few months and that is that we need to get a page on facebook. However each time I we raise the issue and I put forward my long list of benefits to our entity, I get murmurs of well it doesn't make that much sense lets get more information and get back to us with that next meeting.
Geezuz I say....when we finally have agreement on this facebook won't exist and Mark Zuckerberg will be famous for getting a Birthday Card from Her Majesty.
Funnily enough its sites like facebook that are bringing the big committee- democracy, to the Middle I've vented and finally let out those deep breaths I took in a few hours ago and think calmly how I wouldn't have the joys of this frustration and the relief I get when I get home from a meeting if I was one of Kim Jong Il's comrades.....