logo_stellafellaWhat is the Stella Fella campaign?

PROJECT FUTURES is a not for profit organisation run voluntarily by a powerful and passionate network of socially engaged professionals. Their aim is to empower and engage a generation in raising awareness and funding to combat sex trafficking globally.

PROJECT FUTURES believes that men play a pivotal role in ending the demand for trafficked women and children for the purpose of sexual services. If we stop the demand then we can end the supply.

The PROJECT FUTURES Stella Fella campaign supports one of our key messages that men need to become involved in the fight to end sex trafficking. This campaign will highlight and acknowledge some fantastic male role models in our community who respect, honour and love the women in their lives and in the lives of others.

Dave has been nominated as a "Stella Fella". You can see his nomination here: http://www.projectfutures.com/stellafella/profiles.php?id=57

If you agree Dave is a "Stella Fella" click the "Like" button on the page.