When I was a kid I would often fall in a heap crying after spending all my day from the moment I was dropped in the paddock with my water bottle to the moment many hours later when I was retrieved from picking oats and turnips from our seed wheat plots.
You see seed wheat can not have any other weeds and at the time my father was totally against the use of chemicals following bad experiences with them in the high rainfall area of far south east WA ... so it was done by hand. In typical 'hard work builds character' fashion my dad didn't have garden sized areas of seed wheat, he had hundreds upon hundreds of acres, and thanks to his organic principles the weeds were prolific and all needed to be removed by hand.
I spent the time that I wasn't in pain from busting my hands and puny muscles on these damn weeds imagining a world where black oats , African Turnip and Wild Mustard were worth money and all this work was not just in vein and the thousands of plants just burnt so they can't spread their seeds to give us more wore next year (undoubtedly though thanks to the fact that we farmed tens of thousands of acres and weeds spread their seeds in many ways more would grow every year).
Likewise I would think the same thing when I would have to slaughter so many worthless sheep, feral pigs and kangaroos, it hurt so bad to see such waste. I understood without question that it had to be done. All these weeds and pests be they caterpillars or macropods as they would have consumed all they we were producing. After all even though we were doing our utmost to control all these things we still made so little money, so without the control we would have long since been forced from the land.
Well, as time went by, I did find value for those sheep in the re-established prime lamb market and feral pigs are now a huge industry supplying Europeans with a much sort after game meat. I have also discovered that where our invasive mustard and turnips grow, it indicates that we in the future can be huge producers of mustard seed oil which is converted cheaply into Bio-Diesel. The other major issue of Kangaroos however is more delicate as so called 'Animal Activists' often attack and destroy emerging markets that allow this plague animal to be utilised and given value.
Visiting Asian Tourist Shops in Sydney I have noticed Kangaroo Testicles and dried kangaroo Penis (as well as dried beef penis) This is a revelation to me and is the answer I as a Kid always looked for....value in waste products. Lets face it, Kangaroo populations follow closely the amount of food available and can swell to massive plague proportions in short periods due to available food produced by well managed farms. You see regardless of how many areas of native bushland are left, kangaroos will head to where there is an easy feed and no matter how good a farmer is he can not keep them out and their numbers then swell.
There is not a cell in my body that believes that consuming testicles or penises of other animals assists in any way a humans sex drive, and just like Australians using anti-aging creams probably don't really believe that they work, do it 'just in case' and because they have the 'disposable income', asians too consume these things for the same reasons.
I say let the Chinese tourist spread the word of the wonderful Kangaroo Testicles and Australian Outback Dried Beef Penis..and lets create a whole new industry so that animals are not 'waste' and create value on them so they are sustained and successfully managed for the future.