blood for santaSo often you hear people saying they want to make a difference in the world, please do as I do and pipe up and say 'Go and Give Blood'. There is really only one real draw back of being an openly gay Australian and that is you are unable to donate blood. I wish I could especially over Christmas not just because it is the time to give and one of the greatest gifts is that you give without thought of receiving anything in return but because this is the time of year that people need blood the most. The silly season results in a high demand for blood as well as people neglecting to donate. I hope if you're reading this and are permitted to give blood that you find the time and give the gift of life.

dont-ask-dont-tellThis weekend saw the end of one of the craziest Laws ever enacted in the US under Bill Clinton, it was of course the Don't Ask Don't Tell (DADT) policy of exactly that. The US like many armies has had polices precluding different groups from their ranks all are obvious due to their religion or race, same sex attracted people are however not so obvious, especially those attracted to the armed services. DADT was bizarre due to the fact it allowed gay and lesbians to enlist and fight they just had to ensure no one was aware of their sexuality as soon as their superiors were they were out.... literally.


Retailers are saying that these current weeks leading up to Christmas are the worst since the 'recession we had to have' of the 1990's and its not due to people not having cash in their pockets, after all we still have employment levels that are the envy of the world, we have a booming mining sector that is driving the economy like the 'Gold Rushes' that built many of that magnificent inner city malls that house these boutique retailers that are facing such low sales.

asylum-shipwreckToday we saw the tragic sad and obscene loss of life on the coast of Christmas Island. I felt sick watching images of the desperate Australians do their best to rescue the dozens of poor refugees being smashed onto the rocks by the rough seas.

In my adult life I have always criticised Australia's inability to stem the tide of refugees coming to Australia without due process. These 'queue jumpers' in my opinion destroy our ability to have proper settlement and assimilation abilities for our immigrants. They also send signals back to others to join them in their illegal entry methods.

scalesI don't think that I'm going crazy but something is very wrong.

Sleep is like an old friend, I miss him, I wish he was here and when he visits its all too brief. The only night I have actually slept since leaving hospital was the 12th of December, the day I went out in my wheelchair (only my second excursion, the first 100m down the very bumpy footpath) to my best mate's Birthday Lunch. It was so good that day to get out, to be amongst friends and to help celebrate my mate's birthday. Also I was fortunate enough to catch up with a very dear friend of mine I had not seen for over 5 years. She has spent most of the time since we last saw each other in a wheelchair and made me realise that life is livable on 4 wheels as long as you know all the tricks to getting around. She also made me appreciate that unlike her, in a few months I will be walking again.