So often you hear people saying they want to make a difference in the world, please do as I do and pipe up and say 'Go and Give Blood'. There is really only one real draw back of being an openly gay Australian and that is you are unable to donate blood. I wish I could especially over Christmas not just because it is the time to give and one of the greatest gifts is that you give without thought of receiving anything in return but because this is the time of year that people need blood the most. The silly season results in a high demand for blood as well as people neglecting to donate. I hope if you're reading this and are permitted to give blood that you find the time and give the gift of life.
By the same token there is one gift I really hope that is not under the Christmas Tree and that is a puppy. They are so cute, so entertaining and the little bundle of joy really does complete a family. But it is not something that should ever be a surprise on the recipient. Australian Domestic Dogs on average live a dozen years of age, some well into their 20's, therefor much thought is needed to the life plan of a person when taking on a dog, such as living arrangements, travel intentions and family make up for example. Initial home preparation is also vitally important to set a dog up for a successful life as is the recipient have the ability to properly care for a puppy in those crucial first months whereby you create the dog that you have for its lifetime. Sadly too many people do not think of these short term and long term factors and come February through to April Christmas gifted dogs are dumped on mass across the country.
Christmas's tradition of giving is one of the great facets of our culture, this year consider life when you give your that of a stranger and that of a puppy and know which is the best to give.