One thing that really does annoy me is this notion that homosexuality is wrong or weird. The funny truth is that the real anomaly in humans is the Judeo-Christian Culture, not homosexuality. After all their is clear evidence that homosexuality predates this culture with evidence in Egyptian ( Khnumhotep and Niankhkhnum are depicted on a a tomb wall 2400 BC) and Chinese ancient history often remarks on planting handsome young men in the courts of rival sovereigns to gain favour and thwart the enemy (Dong Xian was an example of a handsome man who rose from obscurity to being the most powerful official in China by Emperor Ai just prior to the birth of Jesus...) . There is of course the second King of the Jews, David who's relationship with Jonathan was 'greater than that of the love for a woman' and there is the unmarried 30 year old Jesus himself that kept the company of 12 men and a former hooker, as well as having an extremely close relationship with his mother right up till his execution (remembering that most people at the time were married off in their early teens).
Plato in the Symposium praised the virtues of Homosexuality equating its acceptance with democracy and its suppression with despotism, declaring that homosexuality "is shameful to barbarians because of their despotic governments, just as philosophy and athletics are, since it is apparently not in best interests of such rulers to have great ideas engendered in their subjects, or powerful friendships or physical unions, all of which love is particularly apt to produce". This in my opinion is true today when you look around at the most democratic (Holland, Sweden, Canada) nations have the most liberal view on homosexuality and the most despotic ( Saudi Arabia, Iran, Mali) the most repressive.
In Melanesia, especially Papua New Guinea, same sex relationships were an integral part of the culture with the Etoro and Marind-anim people viewing heterosexuality as sinful. Through Australian Aboriginal peoples as with their Melanesian cousins it was part of initiation for the older males in a tribe to inseminate their “strength” into their young lads. Whilst this behaviour in our culture is seen as abhorrent it further shows that humans, be they stone age, or desert dwelling or urban rulers have had exclusively homosexual segments of their populace. Alfred Kinsey the sexual behaviour researcher found that over 40% of males in the USA had had a homosexual encounter.
I could quote hundreds of figures from history Such as Achilles (and Patroclus), Alexander the Great (and Hephestion), James I (and the Duke of Buckingham) lets take it for granted that gays have always made up between 3-12% of human populations which is the figure researchers and scientists seem to relatively agree on.
I think my point is made. That is there is homosexual behaviour within breeding men throughout human populations with a minority of proven exclusively homosexual men. If those who tell us homosexuality is wrong would be correct in their assumptions that homosexuality is a terminal gene that is men who have sex with men do not pass on their genes and those who do it sometimes would be breeding less with females therefore reducing their input into the gene pool and eliminating their genes over time also.
However my long winded point is this: Homosexuality is essential to human evolution and breeding success.
Whilst there is recent studies that give evidence that homosexual males have sisters with greater fertility I think that there are other benefits to humans by having the homosexual presence.For me there is 4 clear benefits to Homosexual behaviour remember to take into account that humans become sexually mature between 11 and 13 and this should be the age from when humans in antiquity would begin sexual relations absent of modern restrictions:
Bonding.... People who have sex with each other have greater social bonds, this is shown in the modern football culture as well as ancient military culture. It assisted in the cohesion of prehistoric hunting teams (like the subsequent soldiers and recent footballers),which demand very tight nit symbiotic relationships and close understanding of each members rhythm. The success of the hunting team results in the feeding of the tribe and therefore greater reproduction of their group. If we look at modern equivalent it is the victorious footy team that gets the spoils in the bedroom with females just as the victorious armed soldiers bred with the most females and passed on their genes. So the quirk is the male to male sex increases the ability for male to female sex (and no doubt the acceptance of those females to that sex...note how modern females do flock to footy women used to do with soldiers and it would be assumed further back to the successful hunt teams. Also men who bond through sex become more able to rise through social status as a pair in a group of humans again this is prevalent in historical leadership unions where by men who have same sex relations as well as their heterosexual breeding relations allow for the success of their offspring as a direct result of their success in the community thanks to their homosexual relationship. This is prevalent today with a large amount of our community leaders in this position (think politicians, judges, members of the clergy and evangelical religious leaders).
Continued Sex drive....The sexes are apart, the men hunting and the women gathering for long periods and therefore have tendencies to stay together an same sex groups when gathering together outside of the immediate family (regardless of your position on the division of the sexes we see it all around us today..just look at any place humans congregate we naturally stick to our own sex and just as some people are attracted to the opposite sex it would have been the same in prehistory with some women hunting and some men gathering). With this division sex occurs, and we know that an absence of sexual encounters leads to a lower sex drive, just as frequent sexual encounters leads to a continued sex drive so if humans whilst separated continue having sex with their own gender when the reunite their sex drives ensure procreation where as if they were not having same sex relations whilst apart they would be less receptive when they rejoin. It has also been scientifically proven that animals that perform non-procreative sex do so as a benefit to procreation, by keeping the sex organs fine tuned and ready for use at all times.
Provider ratio...As with modern families that have Gay members there is a greater amount of provision for the families offspring. That is, say in a modern family of 4 who go on to have children one of those doesn't as he is gay, he would provide some of his income and child raring time to the other 3's children meaning that those children get more resources than if all original offspring each had their own 4 children. the simple math is 12 children receiving the resources of 6 adults (include partners) as opposed to 16 children receiving the resources of 6 adults....the children with the gay uncle would have greater chances of education and success to pass on their genes. Extend this back a few hundred thousand years and Tribe A has 100 straight couples and they each have a child. Tribe B has 10% gay couples and therefore 90 straight couples. Tribe A has a population of 300 and is raising 100 children. Tribe B however has the same 200 adults hunting and gathering for only 90 children resulting in much better nourishment and ability to to pass on their genes especially if Tribe A and B have a conflict those from tribe B would have an advantage. Therefore it is a massive pay off to have a percentage of adults not breeding themselves but still providing for the group.
Adoption.... Humans are highly unusual in their behaviour in the animal kingdom in that they are highly altruistic and often adopt children that they have not produced. Homosexuals that adopt their siblings children (or those closely related to them) would ensure the propagation of those genes due to several factors...they relieve the breeding parents of another mouth to feed therefore they can give greater care to their remaining children and they ensure the success of the adoptive children (especially as they would probably be older and more successful at providing just as occurs today with most adoptive gay parents being older than their straight counterparts....and subsequently being in a better financial position). The other species which has a similar behaviour of adoption is Penguins and they also have same sex pairings.
So using this logic homosexual behaviour is essential for the success of humans . So next time you hear a bigot espousing the sins of homosexuality maybe you could raise these points and show them that homosexuality is not something to be judged but a useful part of human survival and advancement. Then of course add the other contributions that Homosexuals give humanity in the form of the arts and creative thinking which is disproportionate to their actual numbers.
Please feel free to comment I'd love to be challenged on these points or see if others agree that homosexuality is integral to our evolution, for me these points are what I have come to thanks to insomnia of the past few months leading to at least 20 hours a day of internet research and inner personal thought ....I used to think that homosexuality was just a natural population control which occurs at times of overpopulation then recedes ...which now to me makes no sense at all when considering that genes are only passed on if they mean more success to any give adaptation required.