Day 38 - BIG BROTHER 29/05/2006
Day 467:34pm: The weekly family dinner is upon us again. Jamie reads the next question, "Are housemates becoming too picky about how food is prepared in the house?" Camilla says that everyone has been having a go at her because she wanted to make some chick pea patties earlier. Camilla tells them all that they were making her life a bit difficult. David takes offence to this, saying he has been looking forward to the patties since he got here. Camilla says she was just making a joke. David goes further saying that he felt that the finger was being pointed at him, but he says he's not going to mention anything more about it. Other housemates feel a bit of tension in the air, and try to calm everyone down with Katie saying that the chef likes preparing meals and to put in your request to him. David continues however. He says he wants a vote on whether the majority of housemates should wait till the others have finished their daily meals before clearing the table. Jamie agrees with this, saying it must just be the way they were raised. He says if the vote doesn't go the way they want, Dave and he can have lunch together everyday. The vote goes ahead, and it's decided that all housemates should try to wait till everyone is finished before clearing the table. As they "clear the table", Katie tells David that he's just too polite. 8:41pm: Jamie and David are in the gym. Jamie is worried as Katie just told him that he is too polite sometimes. Jamie goes onto say that if he bought his girlfriend home for dinner one night he expects the person to be polite at the table. David completely agrees. In the bedroom Rob and Dave are talking. Rob wonders what he can do, or stop doing to prevent being nominated. Dave thinks that bitching is not always needed, but he should try to minimise it. Rob says thanks. Rob tells him he is beyond his years in this house. Dave knows, but says he would be friends with himself. Dave asks if he would be friends with himself. Rob says that he would be wary. Day 479.27am - David is leading the aerobics this morning. Some of the moves include "sheer the sheep", "milk the cow" and "lay the egg". Again Ashley is jumping around for amusement, and needs to be brought into line by David. Its not long before the housemates are exhausted, and David leads them through some breathing before wishing Danielle happy 19th birthday. Later in the night Camilla and David continue their tiff about whether its right to stockpile food. They exchange bickering. David: If you're sick and tired of polite people, I'm sick and tired of being polite. Camilla says David was the one who started it. Claire reminds them who is housekeeper tonight (Krystal). David tells John he's an admirable gentleman about the Danielle issue. After John leaves the living room, David tells Danielle that John is very attracted to her - and he's a gentleman - he chose the best possible path for all of you. Danielle: With all due respect I'm nobody's lunch... nobody's lunch. David: Good on you Danielle: Thanks Dave (Later Danielle in Punish Room) The blind to the punishment room opens and John says its really harsh. Rob jumps up at the glass and starts yelling "look! they're dentures!". He's obviously drunk. Jamie, David, Camilla and Rob go to the diary room to ask if they can take Danielle's place so she can have her birthday with her friends. BB says that Danielle broke the rules, it wouldn't be fair if they swapped. 11.41pm - Danielle continues. David is annoyed Rob didn't support their cause to take Danielle's place, and lets his thoughts known to Rob in the bedroom. Rob says David has a habit of digging his own grave and he was there to stop it, and he doesn't want David blowing off hot steam at everyone. David says he was making them feel bad that Rob was belittling his cause. Rob says Danielle can look back and have a giggle about it. Rob: Was what I did wrong? David: Unequivably, from my point of view, it was wrong. Rob: Ok we'll just leave it like that then David: Well I'm going to say to you, please, if I'm going into the diary room and you don.t agree with what.s being said, just don.t agree with it so loudly. Rob: You can do whatever you want darling, I'll let you be when you go anywhere near the diary room. David: Thank you. Rob goes into the bathroom. David is left on his own and looks a bit flustered. Danielle seems not too bothered about her punishment, telling her "darling" dentures to have a bath. Later in the bedroom Rob talks to Camilla about what happened earlier: Rob: It's a 19 year old's birthday in the Big Brother house. She's not going up for capital punishment. She'll have a laugh and a giggle about it later. And if Big Brother wants to negotiate he would only be belittling himself and his authority, and if it was outside of the house the law would dictate the same. Respect the fact that rules and regulations have been put into place. Mother Teresa (David) wants to go and make a big heroic thing out of it. I'm not going to sit back and do nothing and then wait till be voted to come in... but when you offer your own reputation for some one else's purely for the good heartedness of it, you'll end up in life being chewed up and spat out. Camilla says its like David does it out of martyrdom. Big Brother releases Danielle from the punishment room. She says she was quite proud of her scrubbing job. Camilla and Rob continue: Camilla used to love David but now she is annoyed by him. Rob says he's being a bitch and David is making him feel bad for it. Rob adds that David is trying to be the Mother Teresa for the gay world, but it.s not going to happen - "he can't save the world". Camilla agrees. Day 5112.53pm - Camilla and Katie are in the bedroom. Katie explains she is worried about nominations - she thinks she will be up this week. "Oh well... nothing you can do". The two of them lie together and Camilla has noticed the house is getting smaller but there are groups forming. Camilla and David have drifted apart and Rob has taken his place. She feels she can't vent with David anymore because he struggles trying to see her point of view. Rob joins the girls on the bed. Camilla thinks there are people in the house she can't live with. Rob jokes she can't live with that girl Katie - well maybe not so jokingly - he says her mess is driving him mad. Katie acknowledges she is quite messy. Rob asks her to dress up a little more in the house. Katie totally agrees she has to nip this in the ass - "no mess, no mess!". Outside Jamie says he's getting very stressed in the house. Krystal and John don't think so - they see the Big Brother house as a holiday. Camilla and David are cleaning up in the bathroom. Ashley has been irritating David big time because of his antics which result in breakages. He also thinks Ashley is hypocritical because he complains about childishness but then does it himself. David will definitely talk to both Ashley and Katie about this problem. 3.19pm - The boys are playing cricket in the backyard with makeshift items such as a pillow and ornamental ball. Camilla and David have been told to cut the grass in the backyard with nail clippers as punishment for Camilla helping David with his cleaning task (only he may do it). They comment to each other they are concerned about where the makeshift cricket ball is going to end up. Just as they say this the ball is hit very close to them, and they duck down. Jamie comes over and they tell him they are worried about the ball. David is more confronting - he asks why Jamie keeps on going with his antics which keep breaking things in the house. He has struggled to understand why the boys have no respect for property and just keep going with it. David says it.s something you can get away with when you are a child because you don't understand the value of property, but the housemates are old enough now to comprehend it. Jamie asks if this is a personal thing - but David replies he's asking Jamie now because Jamie is right in front of him. Jamie says there is a risk factor, and the factor makes it funny. Jamie doesn't see the risk being too great in the Big Brother house. Ashley goes outside and is upset David didn't take the points off himself. This is because Ashley nominated David for 1 point. Gaelan comes over and tells Ashley that David just wants to leave the house. Ashley is obviously upset, and gets teary-eyed. "Words couldn't express how much gratitude I have for him... I feel like a dog". Ashley goes back inside and thanks David again, but wonders why David did what he did. David says he will find out when he eventually leaves the house; they can't talk about it now. Katie and Jamie are in the bathroom. Katie says she doesn't really have a problem with being nominated but can't look the other housemates in the eye any more. Jamie doesn't know what to think, he is obviously disappointed about being nominated. 8.41pm - Jamie, Katie and John are in the spa. Jamie is very annoyed and says that Camilla Rob and David are grouping together and are the main cause of them being nominated. John says at this point of the game it.s easy to vote strategically. Katie says she knows exactly her reasons for being nominated - her messiness and she just isn't fitting in at the moment. Katie says there are two sides going on in the house now. Jamie says he's tried to get along with Rob but it just doesn't happen. He says Rob's character is very sneaky and a bitchy person. Jamie knows Rob nominated him because Rob couldn't look at him afterwards. Jamie says there are three groups - them, the girls and the gays. The girls and the gays have banded together according to Jamie to vote out their group. John was suss about Claire. Big Brother calls all three of them to the diary room. Meanwhile in the sauna Gaelan and Ashley wonder why they are getting in trouble. To pass the time they start air guitaring and banging the water bucket as a drum. . 11.59pm - David asks Katie and Jamie about their nominations. They both thought they'd be up. Jamie says Gaelan and Ashley have sorta been off on their own and if there are people in their group people would have picked on it would have been Jamie and Katie. Katie begins talking about how she thinks she was nominated because of her uncleanliness. Big Brother interrupts and fines Katie for discussing possible nomination reasons. Katie: Drilled, so drilled! This has been a great night. BB then fines Jamie. He doesn't seem to care. Katie recaps: a nomination, a strike and a $5000 fine each in one night. Katie: This has been the best night of my life! Gaelan comments in the bedroom the couple must be taking their nomination pretty harsh and spiteful if these strikes and fines are happening. Claire says it shows the lack of maturity levels. David: Cheeky little bastards. Day 54Rob and David are having a chat in the bedroom. Rob asks how long David expects to be in the house. David doesn't know. Rob is saying his five weeks in the house feel like forever - every single minute is chewing him up. David knows what he's talking about, and wonders if he'll leave a hole in the house. Rob says he definitely will. Rob thinks everyone would get uptight. David is starting to think he really doesn't want to go this week. Rob says he should have thought of that earlier (when he took 3 points of Ashley). David says it wouldn't have changed anything if he took the points off himself. Katie and Ashley are playing a game in the living room where Katie has to "catch" a purple dot on Ashley's boardshorts. They scream and laugh. David says to Rob he would really like some peace and quiet around the house, but doesn't think it.s possible. While the discussion happens Katie and Ashley run around the bathroom. When they are gone David says it would be really good if Katie left the house - people would change. They are all saying she's a cool chick but they think it would be for the better if she left. Katie and Ashley finally finish their game and apologise to the boys lying in bed for the noise. Meanwhile the nominated couple are in the sauna. Jamie says he wants to spend lots of time with Katie - if one of them is going does he make it less hard and spend less time with her or does he go all out and hang out with her all the time? David and Camilla are in the sauna talking about the nominated couple. David says he can't understand them at all. Camilla thought she'd have to comfort Katie today, but didn't. She stands up for what she believes - she is against their behaviour. David wonders why people aren't saying what they think. Camilla says it.s because of Katie - she has proven herself unapproachable, and did have a strong social force behind her in the house, in the past. David says he's much older, but Jamie and Katie have each other so they have an advantage in the house. Camilla says she continues to speak her mind not because she's causing confrontation because she speaks what she believes. 6.12pm - The housemates have a jumprope outside with the garden hose. David runs through it without jumping, provoking lots of yelling from the other housemates. |
Day 55David comes to the diary room. He says there is a sick little side of him that is thinking he knows two really deserving people to go into the rewards room and didn't want Jamie and Katie to go into the rewards room. 10.01pm - John and Claire eat and chat. Claire says she's really comfortable with John and Krystal in the house. However if she needs to have a talk she will go to David, because he always has a story to tell. She can always laugh with Rob, he's hilarious. Day 566.24pm - Big Brother has given the housemates animal costumes. John is a crocodile Day 58 Uplate11:48pm: David is talking to Claire, Jamie there as well. They seem to be talking about a hotel.
Day 59 Uplate11:38pm: Krystal and Jamie are chatting outside. Dave comes out and they change the topic back to the moths. Krystal wonders when the rain will stop. Dave hopes his farm got this for two straight days. It really is coming down. Krystal says they can always get buffed in the gym. Krystal wonders if Dave will ever cut his hair. Dave says he likes it long, but it'll eventually get cut. Krystal thinks it would look great short, but she says she loves it long too. Krystal says that Katie would've been on Rove tonight. Jamie says that some of the questions would be about him, and he says he finds it weird. Dave reckons Katie will be asked heaps about her wanting her first time to be with Jamie. 11:53pm: Jamie and Dave are still outside. Krystal is still there too. Dave is saying that in every situation in life when you're getting pissed off at something, everyone has to let off steam to somebody else. In here, it looks like bitching Dave says. Krystal says that if someone close to her does something big that pisses her off, she'll forgive them, but it will never be forgotten. She says that in here the slightest thing gets way out of control. Rob says that he has been into BB to request something, and offered to sleep somewhere else, but BB was saying no all along. Uplate update, then back outside. Dave says that everyone in the house has been through heaps. Jamie says that being nominated now isn't a problem, he's over that. He also says he wants to stay. 12:10am: Jamie says that he thinks Camilla looks for controversy. He thinks Krystal doesn't really strive to get into battles. Jamie tells him that he is always evaluating his contribution to the group. Dave asks what he thinks about Rob, but Rob comes out at that moment. Dave wonders if Rob is tired, he says he is. Jamie is worried he's getting a slight off white patch on his legs or something. Rob says he should moisturise. Jamie says he will. Jamie says that this week he hasn't had Katie to run off and sulk this week. Dave says that he thinks Jamie that yesterday and today have been must better than the previous week where he thought he was really down. Jamie says that a lot of stuff was going through his mind last week, and he says that Dave did it so well last week. 12:24am: Jamie is saying that he can't talk to one of the girls in the house. I don't know who he is talking about. Dave says that if everyone took that view the place would be in a bad 'place'. Jamie understands, but says that his positive side tells him that he can always counter an argument, prime example talking to Rob tonight. Jamie says he almost had a breakdown last week, and was over the whole BB experience. Dave says it was frustrating that he couldn't talk to Jamie about it last week because of his moods. Claire says goodnight to the boys. Dave says that last week he felt like he lost a mate last week. Dave says everyone acts in a certain way, and he felt as if he had done something to piss Jamie off, and of course he realises now that it wasn't him. Dave says the thing that hurt him was that Jamie was only concerned completely about himself last week. Jamie agrees completely. Dave says last week he thought heaps of people had stopped talking to because they all thought that he was a goner. Dave says last week he was making massive issues out of nothing. Jamie says it's a great relief to get things off his chest tonight. Comm break. 12:43am: Jamie loves doing stupid shit in front of people, being a class clown type of thing. He says he would love to be a TV presenter, he thinks he would be quick on his feet with lines, comebacks etc. Jamie says that he was glad he was out in the last round for FNL. Dave says that Office FNL theme he was the same, he was totally worried about the stand up comedy part of FNL. Dave says he would never do something like that out in the real world. We head inside to Gaelan, John and Ashley. They are discussing the different jobs in the house, especially the dishes. They say many have complained about the dishes. John says Tilli hated it. He says that Dino gave Elise the housekeeper job so she had to get up early. They all have a laugh. We cut to Rob who seems to be sleeping on the floor for some reason. Back out to the couch. John says that double they all knew Jade would be one of the ones evicted, but otherwise it was wide open. John thought he might be gone. He says that when he was up with Michael and Karen he wasn't too worried. Comm break. 12:59am: Dave has come into chat with Gaelan and Ashley. Dave is talking about climbing a mountain so he could see the entire country. No idea what country he is talking about. John says that it's great because you can see the barriers at the borders of the country. Dave says this countries biggest export is dentures. John and Dave talk about some country flags. They seem to be discussing Angola, I have no idea. Dave just keeps talking about his travels. He says he joked with someone checking his passport over the Australia/Austria joke. 1:15am: Jamie says goodnight to the small bedroom. He heads back out to the living room. Dave is still chatting to the other guys. John says he left Venice after 6 hours and was upset about that. He names heaps of places he didn't go to, and then says he left his passport behind somewhere and was denied entry and had to smuggle a train back to where his passport was. John tells a story how he got 400 Euro's out of the wall at the train station and these guys came along and he was convinced he'd be robbed, but there was one nice guy in their group and he was fine. He says he eventually got back his passport and continued his travelling. Dave talks for a bit about some country. He says he got to Poland and realised that everything was dearer than in Germany. Dave says that he could get a massive meal for $5 in Checz (not even gonna try to spell it). 1:30am: Dave is talking about catching a bus somewhere overseas. He says he travelled with some random guy. They wonder if he was gay, but he says he didn't know, but says he was hot. He had Visa issues in Latvia. Dave says he had no interest in Lithuania. Dave says he was over in Europe for 13 months, and $23,000 all up. He says he worked in Britain a bit as a landscape gardener. He says he had no idea what he was doing but he had 3 people working for him and he had to pave a huge area and put a pond in. He says that as soon as it rained it would've stuffed up completely. He says that he got heaps for doing it, but they soon realised he had no idea what he was doing. John says that all his mates just worked in pubs overseas. Gaelan says that trade jobs overseas are easy to get because they are all crap labourers over in Europe. 1:43am: Gaelan says that he's not too phased about drinking midweek. Jamie talks about a visit to the diary room with someone else and they tried to get more alcohol. Dave seems to have gone into the bedroom. Rob talks to him about how his mum always has gay jokes to tell him, but always is pissing herself laughing and gives away the punchline everytime. Dave wonders whether they have cameras in this room; saying sometimes he thinks they don't have that many. He says they must take them in and out at times. He reckons they would only have 3-4 cameras on the go at once. Rob, sleeping on the floor, says he never sleeps in anything under 4 stars. Rob says the girls are all in bed as per usual. Dave agrees, saying they are boring. They seem to be talking about beer now. Rob like Heineken. Dave likes Coopers. Gaelan comes in to get ready for bed. Dave says he really enjoys XXXX Gold. Gaelan climbs into bed. 1:55am: Back out to the couch. Dave has rejoined the other boys. John says "You see that guy who ate a bike?" He says they cut it into tiny pieces, but it was all metal and all that still. Dave wonders how. He says a Korean guy has eaten 2KG of nails as well. They realise that the lights are out, so they all decide it's bedtime. Most head to the bathroom to get ready for bed. Hardly anyone saying anything. Ashley is a bit concerned of a coldsore he has developed, and apologises that they'll be no kisses tonight for the boys. Day 60 Uplate11:21pm: Darren is talking to Claire, Rob, Gaelan and David. Claire tells Darren that before tonight there was only 3 girls in the house left. Dave wonders what Darren thinks of his hair. Ashley and John are also in this conversation. They talk about drugs a bit and most of it is beeped. We cut back to Darren, and we hear "This is Big Brother", but apparently no one else did because everyone keeps talking. Claire and Darren seem to be having a very nice chat about vegetairian diets. Darrren says he's a national geographic man. Claire says thats her dream as well, while she says Krystal is to be on a cover of a girl magazine. Claire says she wants to teach the average person about nature. Claire says that while she is happy to talk about nature etc at anytime with anyone who is willing and interested, but she won't preach to someone who is not interested. 11:33pm: Perry tries to let Lauren know who is single and who is taken. Camilla says she is the only female to have been in a female relationship. Lauren says she would go there but hasn't yet. Claire says that Lauren is in the same boat as her. Someone mentions spin the bottle! Dave says to Perry that he has no idea what way Darren swings. Lauren says that Rob looks really familar, and they finally get a place where both used to frequent. Rob says he used to love the nightclub, but it's gone all R&B now. 11:51pm: Lauren still talking to Rob about Wollongong. Over to Claire and Darren, Dave watches on as the lovefest continues. Darren can't believe that even Dave as a gay man isn't attracted to Claire at all. Dave says he finds her hot, Claire says she is fully attracted to Dave. Krystal comes over and Dave says "you just popped right out there." Darren then says that Krystal is smashed, and she says she is a bit. Krystal and Claire talk about who sleeps with who. Dave tries to get Darren up to speed with the bed situation. Apparently he was going to sleep with Rob, but now they want to change. Rob doesn't seem to happy with all this though. Darren says he doesn't know why he gets on so well with Dave, then says he is very accepting to everyone. 12:05am: Dave is telling Darren about Sheriff, his boyfriend. He says that his dad loved Sheriff. Dave tells Darren that his dad knew he was gay, but no one would say anything. Darren goes to the toilet. Dave says that Lauren might see some similaries between three of the guys who are 26 and her brother, who is 26. Dave says that Perry is the oldest housemate ever to enter BBAU. Lauren wants to know where Dave lives. 12:25am: Camilla, Krystal and Dave are talking about the different jobs they have in here. Dave says he is farmhand and he gets to wake someone up everyday. He explains that people can't volunteer. Camilla explains that Katie was farmhand once and asked John to get up only to be told to F off. John says he didn't realise he said it though. Back with Dave, Rob and Perry, they discuss who is sleeping with who. Perry wants Dave to sleep with her and Rob tonight, but Dave says he is with Claire. Claire and Perry look through the stuff that Perry bought into the house when she entered. 12:36am: Dave says to Lauren that when it rains he is always thinking about the farm. He says that this was going to be his big year farm wise, but he's in here. He says it'll still be there when he gets out though. He tells Lauren that he has 6 horses. Lauren says that her father was a miner so they used to move a lot. They lived in Adelaide, and then PNG. She says she did school via correspondence for a while over in PNG. 12:50am: Dave and Darren are talking in the kitchen. Darren says that Ash is the gentlemen of the house. Lauren and Darren get to know each other now. 1:19am: In the bedroom we are. Dave, Darren, Gaelan and John are talking. Dave teaches the boys about gay sex a bit. The boys wonder whether they should have a pillow fight tonight. Dave tells Darren that he is in the house now, and it's so surreal talking to Gretel. Dave says that Gretel was really nice to him, but was a bit cautious of Gaelan. 1:33am: Back in the 'boys' bedroom, otherwise known as the bigger one. Dave is showing Darren his farm via photos. Dave explains that they lost most of the ducks, but he still has one and it's not being given away. Dave says he is a bit of a hoarder. Darren says that his dad has crap round his house all the time. Darren tells Dave that he really likes Claire. They watch her for a bit. Darren says you can't like everyone in here. Darren wonders who Dave will hang out with outside the house. He says Camilla, Krystal, Jamie, Karen. Darren says he can't see much in Krystal. Darren says that he needs a relationship where he is constantly attracted to the person, even first things in the morning etc. Dave says that he thinks that BB has shown him to be a bit too inquisitive, but he says he can't sit in a house and just give one liners every minute of the day. He says he likes to spend an hour with someone just having an in depth conversation. Day 6211.49pm - David has a letter from Big Brother. The rules have changed for tonight's truth or dare - it is now truth AND dare.. they must answer their own truths and take their own dares. Rob is very unhappy and shouts "no!". David's dare was to tell each housemate four things you dislike about them. To Darren he says: Claire: Perry: 1.22am - David asks Camilla if she thinks the three dislikes he said tonight were less harsh than his real dislikes. She does think so - she thinks he was just saying things to get through it. She thinks he has some more genuine dislikes that he hasn't made public. David comments he really dislikes Claire because she's vegetarian. Camilla repeats that she thinks Claire really should have just gone through with the dare and kissed Krystal. 11.18pm - Darren and David are in the hammocks. Darren can feel that Jamie and John don't like him, and he knows it. David asks how he would deal with it on the outside. Darren says on the outside he wouldn't be friends with them at all. He's only been in the house three days, they should get over it - "I beat them". Darren asks David how the nominations work on Mondays, and David answers. Darren then asks about the three point twist - David explains the system, but also mentions he took three points off Ashley in the past. Big Brother annouces a $5000 fine. David says "what the hell!?". David says "Big Brother everyone knows it". He is called to the diary room. Inside David is awarded a strike. He doesn't look happy as Big Brother proceeds to tell him off. Day 62 Uplate10:57pm: Darren and Dave are talking at the kitchen table. Darren says he wishes he would have been in the house from the word go. Very strange looks between the two. Darren wants to go to the diary room. John and Jamie are wanting to go to the diary room to get more beer. Dave calls out to them that Darren is offering his virginity to get more beer. |
Day 645.17pm - Darren and David are cooking and measuring ingredients. Perry comes in and tells them what the proportions should be. The phrase "six or one, twelve or nothing" turns the house into confusion... especially Darren who says it doesn't make sense.. and then tries to explain what it means. Perry doesn't want to hear it and they start yelling at each other. Perry tells Darren to behave.
10.43pm - Rob's goodbye message is playing. Rob says he learnt a lot from David and hopefully vice versa - he has been taught a very manly quality - to step up to the plate whenever there is a problem. Camilla has welcomed David in and taking him in and befriended him and loved him and put up with his moods. Rob will miss her and the way she ruffles feathers in the house. Day 66 Uplate11:42pm: Out at the spa. Jamie, John, David, Camilla and Ashley are there. Talking about farts. Lots of laughs. Jamie mentions a fart when Dino was still in the house. Housemates continue to mention the funniest moments they've had in the house. Dave says that Dani's 'walk' was quite funny. Ashley remembers that he got a fine for doing basically nothing once. Jamie remembers that and laughs as well. Camilla says she was laughing so much one night out the back with Dave, she actually wet herself. David says that Big Brother made him laugh heaps one day in the diary room asking to put a topic in the Wednesday dinner topics. Camilla says that she thinks she doesn't start confrontations, but rather she bites. She says she doesn't really have anyone to fight with in here though. Dave wonders whether Perry makes her bite and perhaps Camilla doesn't want to take her on. Camilla says she is happy to take her on. Camilla takes a cold shower because she is so hot. Back outside now. Day 72 Uplate12:09am: Dave, Darren and Claire talking in the bedroom. Darren and Claire talking about an author of a book about Gorilla's. So exciting! And the chat keeps going and going. Dave, lying on Claire's bed, seems to have fallen asleep. 1:06am: Darren and Claire are still having the same, most boring conversation I've ever listened to. They are talking about birds now. Darren says that Claire is a pretty bird. Cut out to the spa. Camilla says that she could live with the people in the house for years. Jamie agrees. Camilla says that Dave and her agree that they could be best friends but never live together. They talk about Claire, and Camilla says she is so happy to have the 2 other girls who she actually really does like. Dave wakes up kind of and rolls over to his side of the bed. Claire tries to get him to believe he had to go to the punishment room. He doesn't bite and falls back to sleep! Darren resumes his chat with Claire. Day 73 Uplate11:36pm: Perry is talking to Dave. Perry says he needs to accept himself for who he is. 12:07am: Darren and David are talking about Dave's farm. David says he has 2000 sheep. Darren wonders if that is big in the farming world. He says it's sizable. He says that he started with 70 and has grown it up. Dave explains how you can tell if an animal is sick. Talk about organic products now. Darren says it would be good to harvest kangaroos. 12:23am: David is talking about farming things, but Perry starts talking about cutting up chickens from a chicken shop before long. They talk about how you have to let chickens die and the blood drain out of them before cutting them up. They are talking about hot air balloons now. Jamie starts asking Dave questions about France and England and wars. Darren joins in a bit. They wonder when Pearl Harbour was after a bit. |
Day 74Perry, David and Claire are in the kitchen. David admits that he is taking nominations harder than normal because he's upset that people haven't confronted him about what behaviours are disturbing them. Little does he know that the only behaviours people don't like are his maturity and wisdom ' not traits you really need to change in my opinion. An argument resurfaces about David calling BB a game. Perry doesn't agree ' surprise, surprise ' and wants to read the rule book to ascertain whether it is a game. She decides she wants to hear other people's opinions and that 'I need to get my head around it'. David asks her to listen to him because he's only figured out recently how the house works. Perry says she's listening but you know she's just listening in order to gather fuel for another cannon launch. Jamie, Krystal and Camilla are in the bedroom. Jamie dislikes that David is focusing on the game. It's obvious that Jamie and Krystal become uncomfortable every time strategy is raised as a discussion point in the house. Maybe it's because those two are the biggest game players in there. Krystal reckons that David should give Perry slack as she is struggling with being nominated. Krystal should shut up. Maybe she could have given Perry some slack by, er, I don't know, not nominating her perhaps' Camilla ******* about David, saying that he's too caught up in the game. Camilla is turning out to be quite the big fat stupid turncoat face. She changes allegiances like the wind. As annoying as Perry is, at least she is out there as an ignorant bogan. Camilla's attacks are strategic and smack of passive aggressive behaviour (ie stirs the pot but then acts the victim when called on it ' 'it was just a joke'). Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Perry says 'I'm not going to play the game'. It's a comment where you pretend to be saying it to no-one, like a statement of intent, but you're still waiting for others' reactions. When she gets no reaction, she asks David 'Are you listening to me David'' She eventually decides to 'leave it in the hands of the universe'. I don't care where you leave it, Perry, so long as you shut the hell up. Jamie is trying to help Camilla control her weight. He sets her a challenge that she must exercise until dinner is served. Rather than accept the challenge, she tells David to hurry up with cooking dinner. After dinner, Camilla and David are talking in the bathroom. He says that he didn't appreciate her comments about hurrying up and that 'I took it a bit bad'. Camilla brushes him off with the usual, 'it was a joke, David' remark. Camilla reckons that, had someone else made the same remark to her when she was shopper chef, she would not have gotten angry. Not strictly true, Cammy love. When you were shopper chef, you bitched and moaned all week about having to deal with different preferences. Don't pretend you were Mother Theresa. David is rationally explaining to Camilla his feelings but Camilla, adopting a usual passive aggressive stance, says 'I'm going to walk away'. David persists and says he is tired of being nice to people. He goes outside for some air. Later, Camilla approaches him and informs him that he suffers from 'anger deferral'. Correct assessment. This argument isn't about Camilla hurrying David up. That was just the trigger. But combine David with someone like Camilla who likes to launch the grenade but then step away and pretend it was nothing to do with her, and you are guaranteed to have fireworks. David tells Camilla that he will continue to argue with her if she annoys him. She replies to 'bring it on' and that she doesn't like being threatened. But she's apparently content with being turkey slapped and is happy to have John and Ash back. Camilla is a big fat stupid hypocrite sometimes. She walks off, accusing David of losing it and to 'get ******'. David seems devastated by the exchange, whilst Camilla walks into the bedroom, crying, but also laughing at what she told David. She seems almost proud of herself as she relates to Krystal and Jamie what happened. And so, a new alliance is born ' Krystal, Jamie and Camilla. Could this spell the end for David' Who knows' At least Perry is quiet. And I think Claire is dead.
Perry then decides to go in for another shot. She accuses David of going on and on and then says he's playing the game. Make up your mind f***head. Last night you denied the game existed but now you're accusing someone of playing it. 'You are wrong' says David. He finds her accusation 'deeply offensive'. He hopes that she realises how bad she has made him feel. Not bloody likely David. David is brimming with rage at being accused of playing the game. He tells her he is going to leave the house to prove that he's not playing the game. He storms into the diary room and tells BB he wants out. 11:28pm: David is in the diary room asking BB to leave. This was fueled by an argument with Perry in which David exclaimed he didn't want to play the game any longer and threw, or as Perry has stated, ripped off his microphone. Krystal is reassuring Perry and just talking over in the incident with her. Claire is sitting on the couch looking a bit stunned, saying she has never seen this side of David. Perry is saying that it's not in her character to make someone else look bad. Krystal says that she understands her intentions and not to worry. Krystal starts a made up song. Comm break. 11:33pm: Camilla and Darren are having a shower after a sauna. Jamie has entered the kitchen, but not saying much. Perry says that she hopes David is alright. Krystal says she feels for David but she seems not concerned at all that David might well be leaving. She thinks that the guy has born it on himself. Perry seems to agree. Krystal says that she would've taken the news that David thinks that she is playing the game had he told her on her own, and not at the table. Krystal wonders if anyone heard that fart, but they say they didn't. BB tells housemates that their are batteries in the dumbwaiter in the bedroom. No one heard it, so he does it again. Krystal seems very excited that they are getting batteries in a slightly different way. Housemates change their batteries. Comm break. 11:53pm: Jamie is talking about a girlfriend he used to have, and he starts talking about his first ever kiss with a girl. Mike cuts back in. We return to Perry saying she can't sleep. Krystal spirts out "I always wipe my bum no matter what". Perry and someone else are talking about David in the diary room and BB beeps it all out. She again says she is really worried about him. Camilla says that she thinks he's been sensitive the past couple of weeks. Comm break. 12:05am: Krystal and Camilla are chatting about nothing. Darren says he's not a big fan of Kettle chips. Almost everyone else sticks up for them. Perry repeats that she is concerned for David, and she is sad for him being sad. Perry says she didn't mean to get him worked up. She says she gave him the option of talking about it later, not immediately. Camilla says that he walked away from a convo with her yesterday. Camilla and Perry continue to talk about previous times Dave has had a weird reaction to something. Camilla says she is tired. Perry wants to go and talk to BB, but she can't. Comm break. 12:24am: Camilla is saying that Krystal got a conversation she has wanted to come out for a while to come out tonight, so she should forgo her right to seem a little sad. Krystal wonders what Gaelan is doing. Jamie reckons that Katie would be off doing little promo gigs. Jamie reckons she would still be doing that stuff, even though they say it's been a month (no way it's been a month!') Perry tries to get to sleep, and there are goodnight calls all round. Perry hopes that BB doesn't wake them up too early. Seems everyone is in bed. Jamie seems really awake humming, whistling and singing tunes out. Jamie still whistling. God that would be annoying. Comm break. 12:36am: Basically silence in the bedroom. Jamie says it's sleepy time. Darren tells Jamie that he just looked in the mirror. Jamie says he does it all the time! Jamie says he's going to sleep now. Silence. David is in the kitchen. Darren comes out, and he sees him. He wonders if he is alright. Darren tells him the lights are still on. He goes into the bedroom. Perry gives him a hug. Dave says he really needs to go to the bathroom. Dave apologises. As Dave goes to the toilet and stays in the bathroom, Perry thanks the three of them (Cami, Jamie and Krystal) for their support today. Silence again. Comm break. |