Day 75 - 79

Day 75

The housemates are practicing their cheer routine in the garden. There are plenty of ideas, including Krystal’s butt shaking routine. David, uncomfortable with this, suggests that the group include all ideas so that it truly is a group idea. Perry doesn’t agree.

Hey Perry, the sky is blue and clouds are white. ‘I don’t agree, Heminator. The sky is not blue. Is this about the sky or it is about honesty' I would have beaten the ****** down by now. David is a true gentleman.

Jamie and Krystal engage in bitching in the kitchen. They talk about ‘people’ – read David – using the task to get in little stabs at each other. They agree that it’s not about the cheering but about establishing dominance over other housemates.

Or maybe it’s just that David, an intelligent and sensitive individual, has had just about of the superficial, ignorant nuff nuffs in the house. One sheds more tears over the loss of makeup than her boyfriend leaving. The other laughed when his girlfriend was evicted. Another disagrees just because it’s something to do. Any wonder then that David has snapped and is now calling a spade a moron.

David observes that Krystal is keen to take over the task because she sees the task as an opportunity to advertise her body. Agreed 100%. Krystal is nothing if not self-serving and narcissistic.

Camilla, now firmly entrenched in the new alliance of Kids Who Were Cool In High School But Ended Up Doing Nothing Except Breed Bogan Offspring, ******* to Krystal about David’s attitude. Krystal spits that she wants to see what David has to offer. A brain for starters, darling. Go talk to your plastic surgeon about what he can do about your lack of one.

Perry joins the ***** session. It’s embarrassing stuff. She says that she doesn’t like to see ‘people put others down’. It’s strange. There are mirrors everywhere in the house but Perry is largely unable to see herself in anything she accuses others of.

It’s time for the Family Dinner. The first topic is whether there are too many chiefs and not enough Indians in the house. Krystal, for the first time ever, has an opinion. She says that David brought her down by not liking her bum shaking routine. David can barely believe what’s coming out of this little girl’s mouth.

Perry joins in the fun and it becomes clear that this was a well planned and choreographed attack on a housemate that is clearly struggling – as they all have at some point- with being in the house.

David should tread carefully.

He says that he was defending himself and another housemate, Darren, who both felt uncomfortable with the routine. Darren agrees. Camilla then jumps in and says that David should hold back and let the others lead.

David asks if he can speak with Krystal in private so that he can resolve the issue. She agrees.

The next topic is whether people talk too much over others. Camilla and Perry proudly admit that they do and aren’t about to change. Which is ok if you want to be like that, but don’t expect that others will give you the courtesy of being quiet when you want to speak.

Darren comments that he was brought up in a strict household where everyone waited their turn. David agrees and says that his upbringing was ‘weird’ and, as a result, it’s taken him 27 years to learn to speak up and be himself. ‘I believe that people should be heard’.

Camilla and Perry immediately jump on David. He asks them to listen to him. They roll their eyes and let him talk. Do you think they’re taking anything in' David gets up and leaves the table.

Seriously, David, you should have seen this coming. Last year, Tim became a victim of his own intelligence and integrity thanks to scat man Dean. All the braying morons followed Dean and isolated Tim. This year it’s no different and now it’s David’s turn.

David is crying in the bedroom. Claire comes in to comfort him. ‘I care about you too much to leave you in this state’.

David Graham Big Brother

Meanwhile, who says you need a victim to have an attack' The other housemates continue to ***** and moan about David. Krystal thanks everyone for standing up for her. Perry, in a moment of meta level hypocrisy, says that David ‘goes on and on and on and you can’t get a word in’.

Krystal then says that David has control issues, which Krystal should know all about given how she fell apart when she couldn’t control the lack of slap on the weekend. It’s ok for her to have issues and make life difficult for everyone else but God forbid anyone else should feel the same.

David goes into the diary room, saying ‘these girls are real bitches’. He dislikes the nastiness and mean spirited behaviour of the women in the house. However he’s determined to stay. ‘I’m not going to walk away from this’.

David Graham Big Brother

Back outside in the witches cauldron, talk turns to the three point twist. Reflective of typical ‘Y Generation’ thinking, they can’t understand why he didn’t take the three points off himself. Krystal mimics David cruelly and is quickly joined by Camilla. They’re just delightful.

Perry wonders why David did not take the points of Krystal whom he has known for ten weeks. Maybe it’s cos he isn’t into saving vain tarts. Just a guess. They all agree that he didn’t take the points off anyone else because he doesn’t see Darren as a threat.

Krystal, who gets uglier by the second, says she was going to laugh when David was crying at the table. Nice to know that Kyrstal has inherited Mummy’s alley cat morality code.

Claire, meanwhile, is silent and does not defend David at any point. The only sign of life we see is her defending the fact that she doesn’t talk much. Well played Claire you spineless coward.

David emerges from the diary room and he and Krystal settle down for a chat. David talks to her about anarchy however, unless anarchy refers to a song by the Rogue Traders, he may as well be talking to a spoon. He talks about the need for order and respect in the house.

Krystal accuses David of ‘putting on a sob story’ when he raised his childhood during the family dinner. She says he compared his life to others which is unfair. Funny. I didn’t hear him do anything of the sort. Krystal is working her lying ***** acting range. Except she’s not acting.

BB says he can leave if he wants. David moves towards the exit but BB asks him to ‘take a moment’. David says ‘I feel absolutely alone’.

The news that David has lost it amuses Perry, Camilla, Krystal and Jamie no end. They piss themselves laughing. Krystal dances on the hot tub deck in joy at the thought that David is upset.

Krystal is a nasty little crack. I seriously hope she looks back on this and feels ashamed of herself. In the kitchen, she continues to laugh about what they’ve done. Hey Krystal, is this how bogans behave in Bateman’s Bay' Cos we city folk are pretty sheltered from that kind of primal behaviour of badgering a person who is down and then laughing about it. Maybe it’s a loser soxio-economic thing.

David eventually emerges from the diary room, calm. He goes into the bedroom. Perry goes up to hug him. Sorry love, a hug doesn’t even scratch the karma that’s backing up against you and the rest of your witches crew.

For me, I’m going to devote some cash this week to evicting both Perry and Krystal and saving David. Tonight was disagraceful behaviour. David has been a prat, don’t get me wrong, but he did not deserve this pack attack. They should all be embarrassed.

Day 79

We open tonight’s Daily Show with Darren and Krystal in the Rewards Room. Darren mentions that the Rewards Room and the power to allocate chores is great, but the 3-point twist is the real prize.

Krystal somehow turns that comment into a ***** about David and the fact that he won’t use the 3-point twist on himself. Krystal has obviously never learnt about altruism.

Darren reckons that David is ‘beyond that’ in that he is beyond playing the game. He understands why David reacted the way he did when Perry accused him of playing the game.

Camilla and David are feeding the animals. David tells a joke ‘What do gay cows eat' Heyyyyyyy’ He finds this very hilarious. The light mood doesn’t last as him and Camilla muse about the time spent in the house. ‘We’ve had the true BB experience’ says Camilla.

Darren and Claire talk about Claire being in a bad mood. In the kitchen, David, Claire and Camilla talk about what chores they haven’t had yet.


It’s eviction night and Krystal’s beehive appears to be growing in proportion to her ***** factor. At a great rate.

Gretel talks to each of the non-nominated housemates. Darren enjoyed Christmas in July. Gretel asks Claire is she’s worried about not being nominated (which will hopefully inspire the housemates to do just that and nominate Claire). Camilla is happy not to be nominated. Gretel almost forgets Jamie but does ask him about those horrendous low-riding pants. ‘My mum will be so ashamed’ he says.

It’s time to look at the nominees’ week.

David says that people in the house don’t understand altruism and how he could have possibly not saved himself. Different generation mate. Krystal thinks that David sees her as a threat' To what' Being a ‘ditzy idiot'’ In the diary room, David admits to Gretel that he likes sheep and dogs – which makes me wonder cos there are plenty of mindless sheep and foul females in the house.

It’s time for Gretel to make the eviction announcement. It’s time to go…… Perry.