Day 74

Day 74

Perry, David and Claire are in the kitchen. David admits that he is taking nominations harder than normal because he's upset that people haven't confronted him about what behaviours are disturbing them. Little does he know that the only behaviours people don't like are his maturity and wisdom ' not traits you really need to change in my opinion.

An argument resurfaces about David calling BB a game. Perry doesn't agree ' surprise, surprise ' and wants to read the rule book to ascertain whether it is a game. She decides she wants to hear other people's opinions and that 'I need to get my head around it'.

David asks her to listen to him because he's only figured out recently how the house works. Perry says she's listening but you know she's just listening in order to gather fuel for another cannon launch.

Jamie, Krystal and Camilla are in the bedroom. Jamie dislikes that David is focusing on the game. It's obvious that Jamie and Krystal become uncomfortable every time strategy is raised as a discussion point in the house. Maybe it's because those two are the biggest game players in there.

Krystal reckons that David should give Perry slack as she is struggling with being nominated. Krystal should shut up. Maybe she could have given Perry some slack by, er, I don't know, not nominating her perhaps'

Camilla ******* about David, saying that he's too caught up in the game. Camilla is turning out to be quite the big fat stupid turncoat face. She changes allegiances like the wind. As annoying as Perry is, at least she is out there as an ignorant bogan. Camilla's attacks are strategic and smack of passive aggressive behaviour (ie stirs the pot but then acts the victim when called on it ' 'it was just a joke').

Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Perry says 'I'm not going to play the game'. It's a comment where you pretend to be saying it to no-one, like a statement of intent, but you're still waiting for others' reactions. When she gets no reaction, she asks David 'Are you listening to me David''

She eventually decides to 'leave it in the hands of the universe'. I don't care where you leave it, Perry, so long as you shut the hell up.

Jamie is trying to help Camilla control her weight. He sets her a challenge that she must exercise until dinner is served. Rather than accept the challenge, she tells David to hurry up with cooking dinner.

After dinner, Camilla and David are talking in the bathroom. He says that he didn't appreciate her comments about hurrying up and that 'I took it a bit bad'. Camilla brushes him off with the usual, 'it was a joke, David' remark.

Camilla reckons that, had someone else made the same remark to her when she was shopper chef, she would not have gotten angry. Not strictly true, Cammy love. When you were shopper chef, you bitched and moaned all week about having to deal with different preferences. Don't pretend you were Mother Theresa.

David is rationally explaining to Camilla his feelings but Camilla, adopting a usual passive aggressive stance, says 'I'm going to walk away'. David persists and says he is tired of being nice to people.

He goes outside for some air. Later, Camilla approaches him and informs him that he suffers from 'anger deferral'. Correct assessment. This argument isn't about Camilla hurrying David up. That was just the trigger. But combine David with someone like Camilla who likes to launch the grenade but then step away and pretend it was nothing to do with her, and you are guaranteed to have fireworks.

David tells Camilla that he will continue to argue with her if she annoys him. She replies to 'bring it on' and that she doesn't like being threatened. But she's apparently content with being turkey slapped and is happy to have John and Ash back. Camilla is a big fat stupid hypocrite sometimes.

She walks off, accusing David of losing it and to 'get ******'. David seems devastated by the exchange, whilst Camilla walks into the bedroom, crying, but also laughing at what she told David. She seems almost proud of herself as she relates to Krystal and Jamie what happened.

And so, a new alliance is born ' Krystal, Jamie and Camilla. Could this spell the end for David' Who knows' At least Perry is quiet. And I think Claire is dead.

Extracts from:

Perry then decides to go in for another shot. She accuses David of going on and on and then says he's playing the game. Make up your mind f***head. Last night you denied the game existed but now you're accusing someone of playing it.

'You are wrong' says David. He finds her accusation 'deeply offensive'. He hopes that she realises how bad she has made him feel. Not bloody likely David.

David is brimming with rage at being accused of playing the game. He tells her he is going to leave the house to prove that he's not playing the game. He storms into the diary room and tells BB he wants out.

David Graham Big Brother

David Graham Big Brother

David Graham Big Brother

David Graham Big Brother

11:28pm: David is in the diary room asking BB to leave. This was fueled by an argument with Perry in which David exclaimed he didn't want to play the game any longer and threw, or as Perry has stated, ripped off his microphone. Krystal is reassuring Perry and just talking over in the incident with her. Claire is sitting on the couch looking a bit stunned, saying she has never seen this side of David. Perry is saying that it's not in her character to make someone else look bad. Krystal says that she understands her intentions and not to worry. Krystal starts a made up song. Comm break.

11:33pm: Camilla and Darren are having a shower after a sauna. Jamie has entered the kitchen, but not saying much. Perry says that she hopes David is alright. Krystal says she feels for David but she seems not concerned at all that David might well be leaving. She thinks that the guy has born it on himself. Perry seems to agree. Krystal says that she would've taken the news that David thinks that she is playing the game had he told her on her own, and not at the table. Krystal wonders if anyone heard that fart, but they say they didn't. BB tells housemates that their are batteries in the dumbwaiter in the bedroom. No one heard it, so he does it again. Krystal seems very excited that they are getting batteries in a slightly different way. Housemates change their batteries. Comm break.

11:53pm: Jamie is talking about a girlfriend he used to have, and he starts talking about his first ever kiss with a girl. Mike cuts back in. We return to Perry saying she can't sleep. Krystal spirts out "I always wipe my bum no matter what". Perry and someone else are talking about David in the diary room and BB beeps it all out. She again says she is really worried about him. Camilla says that she thinks he's been sensitive the past couple of weeks. Comm break.

12:05am: Krystal and Camilla are chatting about nothing. Darren says he's not a big fan of Kettle chips. Almost everyone else sticks up for them. Perry repeats that she is concerned for David, and she is sad for him being sad. Perry says she didn't mean to get him worked up. She says she gave him the option of talking about it later, not immediately. Camilla says that he walked away from a convo with her yesterday. Camilla and Perry continue to talk about previous times Dave has had a weird reaction to something. Camilla says she is tired. Perry wants to go and talk to BB, but she can't. Comm break.

12:24am: Camilla is saying that Krystal got a conversation she has wanted to come out for a while to come out tonight, so she should forgo her right to seem a little sad. Krystal wonders what Gaelan is doing. Jamie reckons that Katie would be off doing little promo gigs. Jamie reckons she would still be doing that stuff, even though they say it's been a month (no way it's been a month!') Perry tries to get to sleep, and there are goodnight calls all round. Perry hopes that BB doesn't wake them up too early. Seems everyone is in bed. Jamie seems really awake humming, whistling and singing tunes out. Jamie still whistling. God that would be annoying. Comm break.

12:36am: Basically silence in the bedroom. Jamie says it's sleepy time. Darren tells Jamie that he just looked in the mirror. Jamie says he does it all the time! Jamie says he's going to sleep now. Silence. David is in the kitchen. Darren comes out, and he sees him. He wonders if he is alright. Darren tells him the lights are still on.

He goes into the bedroom. Perry gives him a hug. Dave says he really needs to go to the bathroom. Dave apologises. As Dave goes to the toilet and stays in the bathroom, Perry thanks the three of them (Cami, Jamie and Krystal) for their support today. Silence again. Comm break.