As I have aged so has my understanding of stuff...
Like why the hell do adults use religion in an argument? and stranger still why do different religions argue that theirs is right and everyone else's is either the work of their unseen but very powerful head evil being or just crazy talk.
I was thinking aloud the other day with a religious person and questioned what was the difference between aliens and angels..after a few attempts at starting to answer the question then stopping the person said, 'angles don't age and do not have offspring'.
There are evil things in this world and often they make us feel very very very good thanks to damn dopamine dilemma, that neurotransmitter reward system that encourages behaviour that our better judgement would say don't do it as their are consequences.
Whilst many humans suffer under this DDD when they shag someone they shouldn't, drag on a cigarette, snort some drug manufactured in rather disgusting circumstances I have the problem of having my DDD when I see a certain Scottish Restaurant ...and no not the one that serves haggis.
Today marks our PM's Half Century, which has been celebrated by her Partner Tim with the Gift of a Cavoodle. Whilst I'd like to avoid the debate about what is a breed and what is not a breed, a Cavoodle is a Poodle crossed with a King Charles Caviler and an extremely popular breed now days due to the mix being so well suited to inside living with families who are not able to spend a lot of time out and about exercising their hound.
As the PM is busy running the country and her Partner assiting her in her many duties this is a great choice, not to mention that many cavoodles have the added benifit of not shedding hair everywhere, which is very important for the PM who needs to race off in the morning without needed to de-hair her outfits.
Yes I'm that weird demographic that tunes in to those stations that rarely play music and talk a lot about government, current affairs and the world around us....with a bit of the mundane and a little whinging for good measure.
I noticed tonight that I am a bit odd for rarely listening to music when a lovely chap who offered to help me out with my 'blue screened' laptop offered to play some music whilst he was trying to figure out how to fix it. I didn't really know how to answer his question on what type of music do you listen to. Dolly and Johnny are the CD's I would listen to when doing long road trips that require non stop channel changing...but they were not on his play list. I quickly changed the subject back to my ineptitude with regard to all things laptopy.
Any farmer will tell you that the Egyptians didn't deal with things too far from what they have had to deal with in the Outback of Australia. You know the 10 Plagues that God wraught upon the captors of the Israelites; water turning red, frogs, mosquitos, flies/rodents, livestock disease, boils, hail, locusts, darkness and finally the death of the firstborns.
Well most of them follow a natural progression which can be explained with algal blooms, leading to frog population explosions, leading to mass deaths of the amphibians and therefore flies, which then attack livestock giving them boils and diseases. Then the hail destroys crops like what occured late last year leading to explosion of rodent populations and the high rainfall increasing locusts swarms....