When Tim and I first set up this website I doubt in a million years we thought it would have developed in what it is. When I logged on today to write a blog I was caught by the shear enormity of what has been shared on here. Almost 650,000 unique visitors have had 375 articles, 320 videos and well over 6000 images to look through. All this doesn't just happen and I am so appreciative of Tim for putting in thousands of hours of work to make the site interesting for so many of you to come and have a look and keep coming back.
After all it is the visitors to the site that keep it going and keep us posting new items each week. So keep coming and keep emailing you many stories, I have received thousands upon thousands of stories from people all over the world. Many of the stories contain the first time anyone has uttered the words 'I'm gay', some from kids afraid of what the world the are emerging into will think and many from old people seasoned to living a life that others expect of them. I don't judge any correspondance but I do appreciate it and it feels me with a sense of belonging to know that so many people feel that I am the friend they have never met and yet am that first person they reveal themselves to ....which in my mind is just the first step to self acceptance, regardless of the outcome. Many letters just say I want another person to 'know' me so its not a burden any more. A friend told me that a burden shared is a burden lightened .... and I like the idea that so many people's journeys through life have been made easier through this website.
When I was a kid on my isolated station and would look up into the amazing stars that light up the sky I would feel that they too were looking back at me and I feel much less alone.....I feel that way every time I log on.