Dog-Rescue-ProgramsI joined a swag of interested parties today at a think tank/talk fest at the NSW Parliament. Initially I had intended in just going for the section in which I was presenting due to my busy schedule. Fortunately for me I ended up seeing most of the presentations which really blew me away at the amazing working being down around Australia in the area of animal rehoming and rehabilitation.

As a long time animal advocate and professional dog trainer I have a vested interest in seeing the best for companion animals in our comuunity and today I saw that 'best' in action whereby so many different groups were able to come together and share their progress with each other and light fires in our plural bellies to keep doing more and spreading the good work in all our available directions.

The Sydney Dogs and Cats home is leading the charge with the concept of' if you can't beat em join em' mantra and actually teaming up with the much despised 'pet' shops by supplying them with neutered/micro-chipped rescues for sale in their shops....its this thinking outside the square that really will tackle the issues of shelter animals. After all their is a demand so why not meet it with animals in the supply chain...rather than 'puppy mill' alternatives.

The Cat Protection Society is highlighting the many laws that prohibit tenants from having pets which is one of the main reasons people give for surrendering animals to shelters, the great example of Ontario Canada was given whereby it is illegal to prohibit a persons lease on the grounds of pet ownership. After all if we did have a system of animal bonds and behaviour certification why not smash these stupid laws prohibiting pet ownership?

We heard from Holroyd and Camden Councils who are doing fantastic work in becoming much more pet friendly and reducing rates of surrendered animal kills and dramatically increasing rates of rehoming by engaging the community much more.

My presentation was on the Open Paw Programme which asks  shelters and pounds to increase their focus on behaviour of their animals and put it up in the importance for their staff and volunteers along with food, water and shelter. It went down a treat so hopefully soon enough I will be out of a job ;)

It is exciting to be involved in such sharing of ideas and ideals and as it took place in Parliament house I was incredibly chuffed to be combining my two great loves...animal advocacy and politics.