Cattle in the SnowyToday I watched the most discusting behaviour of the Federal Labor Party lead by the inept and out of touch Agriculture Minister Tony Burke and his pathetic bunch of backbenchers act like bullying morons as he rediculed the understanding of Victorian Cattlemen of their livestock.

He, as a stooge of the Greens, wants cattle recently returned to the Snowys by the Victorian Government to be out in a few days.

Cattle, properly managed, belong in bushland designated significant for grazing by the local community for heritage and bushfire mitigation reasoning.

Local communities understand their own land and need to be part of greater consultation. On my own peoples land which involves a significant hunk of almost 100,000 acres of Australia I know where can be grazed and by which species stock....this can only be the same for the snowys. Proper grazing management is essential for good land management. After all even native populations of grazing animals can overgraze areas rendering them unstable.