John Howard was famously known as Lazarus with a triple bypass for his ability to continue to resurrect his political career, he was not the first, the Saviour of the free world Winston Churchill was well written off before the advent of his incredible prowess in combating Nazism and socialism and in turn changing the face off the world to this day.
Kevin Rudd had his demise planned well before he began capitulating on 'the great moral challenge of our time' or so we are led to believe in the latest round of Wikileaks cables releases. His stamp left on politics in Australia is no doubt an apology to the descendants and victims of the Government policies of mixed race children removed from their families and placed in a state care (the stolen generation) the BER 'school halls' programme and the home insulation scheme.
The home insulation scheme stands out to me as the bleakest and bloodiest of his policies and his mishandling of its mistakes in my opinion rule him out of being fit for office in this country, after all he knowingly allowed the use of foil insulation even after deaths in NZ from it. This list of stuff ups on the scheme are endless and though I know full well he wasn't the dodgy contractor that lead to the deaths his programmes were not adequately policed when rolled out or did they have proper safety guidelines (like a simple checklist sent to each homeowner and installer.
Why I think KRudd is back in the running is simple. He is doing what he has always done...listen to his focus groups. Whilst the Government and in particular PM Julia Gillard are playing judge and jury on Wikileaks Frontman Julian Assange Kevin Rudd is saying what we are thinking.... Its the US Government that is responsible for the leaks and also that any Australian citizen needs to be assisted by our government when overseas... not cut lose and not demonised as is the case here.
Kevin Rudd for PM again... I hope not, but at least he is resonating (at least in the media) what is a clear minded message.
On the other hand you have PM Gillard accusing Assange of illegal acts and that Wikileaks is founded on illegal acts, which almost borders on the insane....after all isn't that what has plagued her government from its outset...leaks to the media...which has in fact kept it honest. I don't remember her calling on the arrests of Newscorp or Fairfax Media for publishing leaks back then.
Julia Gillard is way out of touch with reality.
Sure Assange is a narcissist in the fact that he remained the frontman of the freedom to knowledge site after it had gone viral and had a life of its own, and sure he is held in a UK prison due to the Swedish Police wanting to question him regarding rape allegations but her reaction is a servere reaction to this man.
What laws he has broken is an issue for the Swedes and the Americans and it is up to them to use legal means to question him. it is up to OUR Government to ensure he gets protected by the laws set their to ensure fair play and a decent hearing.
It makes you think....what is She so Afraid of?