civil UnionsWhen Campbell Newman was handed the incredible Majority to form Government in Queensland he promised to serve all its people and to get the State back on track.

Few Governments have embarked on such profound change as his has in the first few weeks of taking charge of Treasury and with good reason, the once Go Ahead State was creaking backwards under Labor and along with the vast majority of Queenslanders I longed for an alternative and was pleased to see a New Broom come along to sweep out the cobwebs that form on Long Term Government of any colour.

However, with talk of the New Government taking away the newly enacted Laws of Civil Unions will go hard against the Premiers Pledge to serve all Queenslanders.

There are many incredible benefits to having these legally recognised relationships, namely that they give a new importance to mutually beneficial relationships and encourage monogamy both lending themselves to stable long term financially viable unions of men and women. The State needs financial viability, the state also needs to address the shocking statistics that show a doubling in HIV transmissions. The best and most workable antidote to sexually transmitted diseases is monogamous relationships, which by their very nature allow the expression of sexuality but refine it to only one other partner.

Other benefits of the recognition of Same-Sex Unions,include areas of mental health which is a huge cost to the economy and the social order of society. In essence its just another drama that those people in those relationships don't have to worry about as they are treated more equally under the legal scheme.

This is not something to take away from the people of Queensland.p>

Only a tiny fraction of the States population have registered for Civil Unions, around 400 people, however its impact on not just these people but the wider community is profound and not treated like just another piece of dirty legislation brought into the house in the dying days of the Labor Party.

I implore everyone who reads this to please contact Queensland's Parliamentarians and plead with them to leave Civil Unions in our State as they are LAW.