David Graham, Farmer Dave and dingoThe past 9 months of my life has pretty much been overtaken by Australia's own Dog the Dingo. I was approached about a year ago whilst still on crutches and trying to film a promo for a Dog Behaviour Show in the United States to give a few comments on my experiences and views on Dingoes from the perspective of a sheep farmer for another project by the same production company. It must have been the genuine pain in my eyes... or the well crafted pieces to camera by Mike, the jack of all trades, but next thing I know I am having a conversation about flying to Broken Hill to start filming.... as the Shows Host.


It truly has been an extraordinary journey that has taken me to places I would never have imagined or had wished in my whole life to see. Seeing all I have on the thousands upon thousands of kilometres traveled, it is hard not to get emotional on the subject of the Dingo, which is why today, on my second last day of work on the project I have a real feeling of 'I wish it wasn't over' .... you know that feeling you have when you get in the car after seeing your family after a long absence. The feeling of 'it was too short' , yeah OK we had our ups and downs but, really does it have to be over.

It's an hour and a half drive in morning traffic to the studio from out here in the Hills district of Sydney, where we are putting the finishing touches on the Farmer Dave Dog Centre Stage 1 development, ....and I'm already going to be late... I suppose I'm looking for an excuse to prolong this journey I have had with the Dingo.

But hey, the sooner the voice-overs are done, the sooner it goes to air and I share the journey....so true to my mantra.. I'd better Feel The Fear and Do it Anyway!!