I'm no big fan of Kevin747, however for a Labor PM he is really handling the economy much better then expected on the face of it.

The massive $10billion injection into the pockets of families and pensioners is astounding...and yes, I reckon it will work and am a fan of Pump- Prime Economics, however, in my opinion the biggest winners will be brewers and Asian electronic manufacturers.

Seriously, most of the cash will go on iPods, high-definition flat screens and cartons of beer,

President Roosevelt's words, which resonate today from his 1930's lectern.President Roosevelt's first Inaugural address

I have lent on those words so heavily through my life...be it as a scared kid walking the 20kms home in the dark after the tractor I was on broke down without communications or a vehicle to drive, or climbing in the Himalayas without ropes, or just getting out of bed when suffering severe depression.

Now like all the citizens of the western world, I have to keep reminding myself to stop and breath...keep paddling my canoe...cause regardless if the stream dries up or floods, it's the best cause of action to at least stay in control of what you can.

Drought - December 2006Isn't it hilarious, for so long it was dry dry dry and dust storms and now its rain rain rain...but hey no complaints from me, I can't afford to even plant crops let alone suffer the fate of so many, including mum and dad who have seen this year's cereal crops of wheat, barley and oats downgraded severely due to rain during harvest time.

One phenomenon that occurred back when I decided to make every minute count is that time really does go slowly. The key is packing a thousand things into each day. Ha! And you thought you needed $24.95 and a membership to Oprah's Book Club to get that useful bit of intel.

 Coupled with being all over the joint...I haven't even spent a week in one place for 2 months...I have hardly been near a shop or mall, which resulted in me nearly missing the Christmas hoopla.

Having an Hour spare before attending the Launch of the Melrose Restaurant's 2 month Farmer Dave Free Range Lamb promotion Farmer Dave and best Mate Geoffrey had a race around Gold Coast's Sea World Adventure Park...with some classic Dave moments