Drought - December 2006Isn't it hilarious, for so long it was dry dry dry and dust storms and now its rain rain rain...but hey no complaints from me, I can't afford to even plant crops let alone suffer the fate of so many, including mum and dad who have seen this year's cereal crops of wheat, barley and oats downgraded severely due to rain during harvest time.

More Rain and More Rain

That's the tragedy of commercial crop farming...it rains, it doesn't rain...but we mortals have zero control over when it comes down, so I really feel for my neighbours who were looking at a huge income thanks to good yields and excellent prices this year.

After Rain January 2008

For me, well I had issues getting my lambs out for sale due to flooded roads, and when I did, accidentally ten more lambs were loaded than should have been...thanks to the very early morning rush job to get them out before more storms. The problem for me is that I don't get paid for those lambs...kinda sux hey. With the loss of income things are always hard, but the problems of being a farmer is our produce is fresh and cannot be stored, so we have no option but to take what we get.

The frustration of it all is almost enough to send a bloke nuts but hey...looking out on the grass growing through the red mud... a peace comes over you and you just get back to work.