The past few weeks have seen me gradually become stronger and stronger and able to walk with great ease and without assistance on flat going. Which is pretty indescribable to be honest.... so I won't try.
I even am able to walk my dog Rosie, which she thinks is the best thing since sliced kibble was invented. Unfortunately I found that when people often offer to do something like walk your dog daily often the reality is quite different and my little dogs exersize regime involved a lot of positive reinforcement training to mentally stimulate her and a lots of fetch and retrieve games down long flights of stairs.
In my local park I have already met so many wonderful people thanks to our shared love of dogs and exercise. Thanks to Rosie and my desire to get her out and exercised I have seen so much of my local area and forced myself to get active and rehabilitate my body. Often when I was down at my lowest, thinking how shitty things were when I couldn't do the basic of things, I had my Rosie there to keep me doing things and not allow me to get too down in the I'm thinking now after going through so much on the farm and my youth that dogs are truly the best medicine for any peril that life throws at you.
Funnily enough I remember being rather perturbed whilst in northern Cambodia of the practice of eating black dogs to fix bad backs and other serious ailments that stopped a man from working his fields....they were right - just the manner in which they employed the medicine I thinks was a bit amiss....