I’m not a fan of protesting on the street.

I do believe in constructive conveyance of a message to the masses to enjoy democratic change via a nation’s parliament… it’s easier, less troublesome and allows the unwashed to stick to their ideals of not adding to world pollution by yelling nonsense at the top of their lungs whilst feigning an attack by policemen doing their jobs to protect the general public trying to go about their daily life.

Deep breath……however, China knows bugger all about the opinions of its people. It is a nation run by a gang who do what they wish, when they wish… yep, not much has changed…. be it under Imperial, Foreign, Nationalist or Maoist rule.

So a different tack needs to be taken. The people of China are subdued like no other mass of people, except their little brother to the east… but whoa that’s beyond a joke. Don’t get me wrong at all here, I loved China as a visitor back in 2001 and think the way the government has controlled the growth and development of that hulk of a nation is incredible, however, they are a gang of thugs.

The way they ‘took over’ Hong Kong and Macao was absurd, just as is the way they thuggishly bully the people of Taiwan into not declaring independence (and the world community on that note) as well as suppress the nation within a nation of Tibetans.

I think the greatest leap forward for democracy… that is, more say for the people within China came not with the massacre in Tiananmen Square or the introduction of modern Capitalism, but with the bid for the Olympic Games.

The torch relay takes the issue of Chinese thuggery throughout the world, and the Games themselves takes the opened eyes of the world directly back onto China from new view within.

So disrupt the relay I say, but ensure it takes the message of disruption with it, the message to the Government and people within China, that being a thug is fine as long as backs are turned… but watch out when eyes are on you….cause that means the dangerous side of the human is pointed at you.