David Graham hosts Dingo, Wild Dog at WarThe documentary Dingo, Wild Dog at War (Starring Dave) will premier at the Dubbo Regional Theatre and Convention Centre, 12:30 PM, Saturday 8th September 2012 as part of the Inland NSW Film Festival. Tickets can be ordered from this link.

80 mins

Director, Producer and Writer: Adam Geiger; Executive Producer: Chris Hilton; Producer: Jay Court; Presenter: David Graham; 2012


The Australian bush is a battleground for a war between man and dingo. Farmer and dog trainer Dave Graham ('Farmer Dave' of Big Brother fame) is hunting for solutions to the dilemma surrounding Australia's native canine, the dingo.

A secretive and stealthy predator, dingoes are responsible for devastating livestock losses. Farmers, in defence of their livelihoods, have long retaliated with culling. It's a battle for survival, and it's escalating. But is the dingo really a villain? New research shows that the dingo may play a pivotal role in protecting Australian ecosystems. Sadly, this research also shows that the pure dingo is on the brink of extinction, making way to the crossbred "wild dogs" who pose a much greater threat. Featuring stunning behavioural photography and a wide cast of passionate stakeholders, this documentary is a must see for both dog lovers and working farmers as it attempts to unravel the complex emotional debate around living in harmony with our native dingo