19/07/2010 http://www.abc.net.au/austory/specials/mumsword/default.htm

Dave Introduces Shelley on the ABC's Australian Story

This week's program is introduced by David Graham, who became a household name as 'Farmer Dave', the gay guy who 'came out' on Big Brother on national television.

It's the story of a well manicured Brisbane housewife who has become an unlikely advocate for gay rights.

Shelley Argent had only one ambition to become a mother. But when her oldest son announced that he was gay, she was spurred to action.

Now she's the national spokesperson for the international organisation PFLAG (Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) and a 'gay icon' in her own right...

As the program reveals, her own husband was a self-confessed homophobe and late convert to the cause, but now he marches with his wife and son at gay pride events...

See the program:  http://www.abc.net.au/austory/specials/mumsword/default.htm

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Dave was on hand to launch Shelly Argents New Book Opening The Door at the Avid Reader Book Store, Westend, Brisbane on Friday 15th of May.

"I am so proud to be launching this book by Shelly Argent. Shelly is a mother who has worked incredibly hard to help other mothers come to terms with their children who 'come out' in her role as the President of PFLAG. She also is a force to be reckoned with..., lobbying governments to extend equal rights to all citizens. She truly is an inspiring person." Dave

Opening the door is about one mother's efforts to understand her son's life and be part of his world. It will inform readers of how family values can be shaken, the confusion about feelings and the unexpected reactions that can tip a family off balance when your child tells you they're gay. You don't have to have a gay son or lesbian daughter to find this book of interest. It intends to give readers greater understanding of the issues involved.

Since author Shelley Argent's son 'came out', advocacy and community education has become a major part of her life. Opening the door is about Argent's journey over the past decade supporting families, educating the public and advocating for equality. She was awarded an OAM in 2005 for her efforts in assisting understanding and acceptance of those living in the gay community. Argent is the national spokesperson for PFLAG (Parents & Friends of Lesbians & Gays) Australia.

'As her gay son James says, Shelley Argent is "an exceptional lady". She tells how to handle a child's coming out. Thanks to her, Australia is "coming out" of the dark ages of prejudice and medieval stigma.' - The Honorable Michael Kirby AC CMG

You can obtain a copy from PFLAG Brisbane for $20 (All proceeds go to PFLAG Brisbane.) - click here

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Introducing Open the Door P1

Introducing Open the Door P1

Dave Introduces Shelley's Argents's Book

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Introducing Open the Door P2

Introducing Open the Door P2

David Graham's Blog - www.farmerdave.com.au



Back into the Big Brother House for the 40 Hour Famine Lockin

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Back in the Big Brother House

Back in the Big Brother House

David Graham in Big Brother


Donation Link: https://famine.worldvision.com.au/famine.cgi?a=SPONSOR_&pn=29014596-0

Dave will be among 40 guests locked in the Big Brother House at Dreamworld this weekend (21st to 23rd August) as part of the fundraising events for the 40 Hour Famine with the event being broadcasted live over the internet.

In a final farewell to Big Brother House, Dave will join other former Big Brother and Biggest Loser stars to raise funds for World Vision Australia's 40 Hour Famine.


40 People, 40 Hours, 1 House & 1 Mission.

The event will kick off with a Dinner in the Friday Night Games Arena, where the guests will be required to 'check-in' their luggage and be will be briefed on their adventure!

NO FOOD / NO DRINKS will be allowed into the house. Only supplied Water, Juice and Barley Sugar is allowed to be consumed during the 40hours.

Entertainment during the 40hours includes (and prizes / rewards apply to those who achieve winner status - the losers may be doomed to the famous Combi van)

  • World Vision Fair Trade Soccer Match
  • Singstar competitions
  • Wii & Playstation game competition/s
  • Dance offs

and many more!

The person who raises the most funds for World Vision 40hour Famine will be rewarded by World Vision Australia.

On the Sunday, just before all the Starving housemates are evicted, the Farmer Dave Team will be volunteering and putting on a Lamb BBQ to further help out with the event, and of course, ensure their Boss doesn't die after going 40 hours without LAMB....

You can view the event live on http://www.40hrfaminelockin.com .

You can support Dave and the guys in the house raise funds by donating to the 40 Hour Famine on this link https://famine.worldvision.com.au/famine.cgi?a=SPONSOR_&pn=29014596-0 or by going to the website https://famine.worldvision.com.au/famine.cgi?a=SPONSOR_ and entering the Famine number 29014596-0

40HourFamineLong bb Dreamworld

Dave is a guest on Ready Steady Cook

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Ready, Steady Cook P1

Ready, Steady Cook P1

David Graham's Blog

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Ready, Steady Cook P2

Ready, Steady Cook P2

David Graham - www.farmerdave.com.au





After decades of buying lamb from the southern states, chefs across the country are singing the praises of premium lamb from an unlikely source - outback Queensland.

Farmer Dave Free Range Lamb is the result of an eight year project by David Graham. Crossbreeding exotic breeds of sheep to come up with a perfectly sustainable, non-wool growing sheep, which produces succulent and healthy lamb, has resulted in a market hit.

Not content with just putting the new drought tolerant hairy sheep on the auction market, however, Graham set up a vertically integrated supply chain complete with a co-op of sheep breeding farmers, a fattening property, a processing plant, a fleet of refrigerated mobile vans and a direct to the public store.

"I believe in having a close relationship with my customers and responding immediately to their tastes," said Graham. "Being in control of the whole process, I am able to give them what they want without any deviation."

As Australian Agriculture increasingly moves towards the use of intensive farming practices, such as feed lotting, to manage feed fluctuations, Farmer Dave is heading in the opposite direction, with a strong belief in sustainable agriculture and the ethical treatment of animals.

With a membership in the Biological Farmers of Australia, and Slow Food International, Graham is currently working with The Humane Society International to become the first 'Humane Choice' Certified Lamb Brand in the world.

"Rather then try and work against nature, I decided to work alongside it, and breed a sheep that was suited to Australia's drought conditions. In doing so I have kept with my organic principles," he explained.

The lamb, which is a Dorper mix breed (F1 & F2), is registered with Meat Standards Australia (MSA). Now processing over 400 lambs a month, the MSA Certified Farmer Dave Free Range Lamb brand is marketed through farmers markets from Noosa to NSW, and throughout Brisbane and the Gold Coast. The processing plant is based in Ashmore on the Gold Coast.

Available online for home delivery, the company also supplies a growing list of elite restaurants.