Where would we be without mothers…stupid question if you think about it literally. Seriously, after the screams and the one time that your mother probably did swear… probably as your Dad sat by the maternity bed with the ‘it can’t be that painful’ look on his face…mothers are there for us, every step of the way.

I wasn’t the best of kids, terrorising my 3 older sisters, chucking a wobbly most days heading into the school bus and as soon as I got a new boy toy, nothing was safe…be it the trees around the house when I was 5 and received a tomahawk or the Louzy Jacks…ummm and the wild chooks when I got my air rifle at 7. Mum was always there, unhappy that her bushland was laid to waste or her prize rooster no longer crowed, but never angry, that was the power of her unconditional love.

It’s something we find as we grow older that the loves we have do have conditions, the dog heads to whoever has a feed, your lover gets bored, but the love from your mum comes no matter what….and the worst thing we are all guilty of is taking that unconditional constant love and support for granted.

Every time I got knocked to the ground or did something stupid.. like fall for the wrong person, or go on a certain reality TV show… my mum was there, not saying I told you so, but telling me things will be OK. In the end isn’t that what we all need to hear?

This Mother’s Day we had planned our marketing of our new family lamb pack around a concept where I came and cooked your mum a lamb roast for Mother’s Day…but as we were finalising the material it hit me, I want to be with my mum, I want to tell her I love her and say thank you in the only way a son can; by showing his appreciation by being there that one day of the year.

So this Sunday I’ll be driving the 6 hours to my mum’s place after the Brisbane Farmers Markets to have lamb roast with my mum. I may not say I love her, but like I know she will always be there to tell me it’s going to be OK, she will know I love her just by being there.

I hope you can spare the time to be with your mum this Sunday, whatever way that is for you, even if it’s just sparing the time to reminisce.