There is a Catastrophe thousands of times worse than the Bush Fires, but you won't see it in the world headlines or Facebook fundraisers.
I think it's just so awesome how Aussies and the world have pitched in like crazy to donate to the bushfires. People have lost homes, animals dead, massive swathes of land dead, pristine air no longer...
Well it's a slither of the Australian landmass... unlike the gigantic area of Australia enduring the slow deaths of billions of animals, the death of massive swathes of land and the air filled with dust as there is nothing to keep it from blowing away.
Are we now a people that can only be moved when something instant happens? The slow painful situation that has gripped most of Australia is just a side note.... wonder why there is no fires out in our pastoral and agricultural land ? It's simply because there is nothing to burn ... the fires are burn the bits of Australia not in extreme drought as they have had grass to carry the fires...
Can you imagine what this slow horrendous drought must be like for the few incredible farmers and graziers that are on their own? keeping up water and feed to animals across their farms and stations... now imagine what it must be like for them to see these fires burn grass they only wish they had access too to feed their starving animals...
I don't want in anyway to discount the tragedy that is these catastrophic bush fires, but don't forget the much much bigger Tragedy that is Australia and this drought that is beyond anything we have experienced.
There are people out there, there are livestock and native animals facing annihilation on a scale that is so incomprehensible maybe it's easier to just forget about them.
I ask you not to forget! Share this post and remind people that whilst yes it's great to donate to the bushfires and the volunteers who fight them .... please support our bush men and women... not by donations... but by buying Australian Lamb, Beef, Grains and Vegetables in your local shops... by visiting rural towns to do your clothes shopping and get your hair done ... by having a weekend away in our heartland and spending your money where we need it.
So many towns across Qld and NSW are now without their own water supplies and more will run out.... go visit those towns, go shopping, stay the night and spend your money and your time... and ensure we keep them alive ... it's the only thing that will.