Its been a long time since I have written a blog. This is due to my extremely bad situation I have found myslef in and you know what our mothers say "if you have Nothing Good to say, Its Good to say Nothing". So I have chosen to follow this sound and proven advice.
But I wanted you to know I am alive and soon enough I will resume blogging but just now things are too difficult to write about.
One such topic is being turfed out of a farmers market...which means my exit actually leaves the very large farmers market without an actual farmer .... it is not right, but I will do everything I can to be able to live knowing I have given it my all.
On a lighter note... Funny thing President Obama receiving the Nobel Peace Prize hey??
I mean its an award usually given to those who have secured an arrangement of staggering peace and averting mass blood shed eg De Klerk and Gorbachev or those who give so much to remind us of what we too can do with the likes of Mother Teresa.
It seem very perculiar that a President who hasn't done too much (except maybe through stimulus spending helped avert a major economic depression but then most governments did that too).
It seems this year what was awarded was promises, not performance...and we all know politicians are heavy on promises but light on performance. However today Obama was the First US President in a very long time to tackle Inequality for his those of his people that are deemed second class, so maybe it was an award to make action haste.... Lets Hope So.