I have had a lot of shit thrown my way. I last blogged about my troubles from thefts and unfair competition...and the simple difficulties of being a farmer, butcher, market stall holder among the many things I try to juggle. Well it seems just at that point where thing couldn't get any worse they did and, well, the world didn't cave in.


We were robbed again, this time a new generator, a cash float and a few thousand in lamb products. As well, our refrigerated trailer's tow hitch snapped and smashed the refrigerator condenser.

This all happened when I was away for my first break from the running of the business in seven months...as I had reached the end of my tether.

Polo01However one of the quirks of life reared its cute little head...as my entire trip away spending time with mates new and old was filled with constant comments of amazement at how well we are doing and how much incredibly splendid feedback there is out their about the quality of my lamb. So I?have picked myself up and dusted off the down and out view I had and have taken on a great piece of advice...'take a break'.

So now at least once a week I head out to Cunungra for a few hours and am learning how to play Polo. It's the perfect outlet for me. I get to gallop around like mad on a horse, swing a stick, hit goals and get massively physical with the risk of severe injury...so just like mustering cattle back home.

I always thought Polo, or any sport, was a waste of time, as My Old Man brought me up to believe sport was a waste of energy, as all effort should be channelled into work. As well, it was a sport for flash people who didn't have cattle to chase. Well regardless of my previous beliefs, I love it and it is perfect for a farm boy who hasn't the time to do the full day of driving back and forth to the farm to get my horse fix. On top of this new found outlet, it seems some incredible good fortune has come my way with new sales channels for my lamb...but I can't say too much on that as I still believe that a fella should never count his lambs till they are on the sale truck.

probably not Dave - His Editor has an evil streak

(Not Dave- The Editor has an evil streak)