Unemployment is set to rise all over the state, we are billions of dollars in debt despite having a dream run of boom years, the government has continuously run rough shod over its citizens in doing its own will, our water supply was stuffed up, our electricity supply hardly keeps up with growth and we have a health system almost as bad as NSW (now thats saying something) and we have a fraction of the police we need to get on with our lives....

....but you have to hand it to Anna Bligh, she did the unthinkable and romped home in an election which bizarrely was being called unwinnable by the pollsters.

I could not understand how they could claim that the LNP was in a winnable position, it was a Herculean task for the newly formed party to garner the huge 8% or more swing to take the treasury but I did think they would at least drop Labor to a 45 seat majority.

Incredibly Captain Bligh managed to pull off a brilliant Campaign which captured the Queensland electorate... she gave us strength and leadership.

Every reason under the sun is given by commentators across the country as too why she exceeded their expectations.. but it comes down to Queenslanders not being lefties or dopey or lazy.... but just in need of strong leaders.

Anna Bligh delivered.

By next election it will be 23 years since a non Labor government ruled with a majority in Qld and thats enough time to entrench an unhealthy democracy. I can only hope that within the ranks of opposition the LNP can do what it has struggled to do since the brief premiership of Rob Borbidge..find a decent leader who people can not only identify with but believe in.

Unfortunately for us here in the Sunshine State however we will probably be forced to watch our state slide into the abyss of our southern sister the sad case that is NSW .

I hope not... I hope that maybe just maybe Anna Bligh uses her mandate to make real change in the greatest state in the federation.

If not I might just jump in the ring and do what I always do....be the change I want to see.