This week our PM proved himself to be a great leader with his 'green' initiative of insulating 2.7 million homes.

Whilst Australians are quick to say they are environmentally conscious and the green vote continues to grow from strength to strength, the people of this nation are also quick to install air conditioning  and purchase clothes dryers, 4WDs and big screen TVs... all of which are contributing causes to the ever growing holes in the ground at our massive coal deposit.

Kevin Rudd's initiative to insulate houses truly does make a reduction in the use of coal and thus a reduction in emissions.

My cottage is not insulated.

The massive difference that insulation would make is so profound...I've been in insulated cottages, it's wonderful that the residents don't need to call 000 each time the electricity bill arrives.

I tried putting wool fresh from my sheep up in the roof ..... it didn't work....not only did the outhouse smell a bit sheepish but the lanolin affected the ceiling during this extreme heat we have been having.

However there are such things as manufactured woollen bats that are natural and actually insulate better then synthetic bats...oh and of course wool is a natural fire retardant...and unlike all things synthetic we don't have to fear that there is a possible time bomb in our house when in the future we find out that a carcinogen was used in the manufacture of the bats.

Wool is totally natural. And we have lots of it.

So Mr Rudd, how about increasing the community knowledge of woollen insulation...or better still, increase the rebate on natural fibre bats.

Love You Kev.

For further information please call AgForce Sheep and Wool Policy Director Jo Hall on 3236 3100.

Sheep Wool Insolutation