Its 10:20 am and I have sweat pouring out of me, or is it blood. I'm too exhausted to really know. My hands and arms are covered in red welts from being peppered with burr and thistle heads, my legs are a mass of purple and black bruises, and my hair is a Rastafarian matte of red dust and sweat... Yes I have been working in the sheep yards again.
Following the drafting and weighing (which we have been doing along with tagging for the past week) we loaded the trucks....again the sheep, unsure of these big machines with their nice pens and covered shady roofs, required to be manhandled into each pen. So after tangoing and quick-stepping ourselves into exhaustion, and doing the several pages of paperwork that has to accompany each load of stock, here we are gulping down watery cordial in the cottage finding any excuse not to get back out into the 35c heat and humidity to draft and weigh 300 lambs and then muster two more paddocks and drove two mobs to my folks wheat stubble 7 kms away...
Oh and did I mention we still have the 6+ hour drive to the Gold Coast tonight so we can work at the Rocklea Fresh Food Market tomorrow with a 4am start?
Bugger, it's already 10:40....better get back out there and stop whingeing hey!!!