This is my first Silly Season spent in the city and boy am I suffering.

Back home on my farm it's working like there is no tomorrow as harvest usually winds up by the start of December, depending on the unhelpful storm rainfall, then it's cultivating like mad, even on Christmas Day, to control the fallow to ensure we see the New Year in with perfect cultivation and are able to have that pure sense of a new beginning and wipe off the heartaches of the year past.

However, as I now no longer grow crops on my own farm and instead of being involved with my folks beef/wheat operation this year, I am focusing on other interests, mostly in the city, so am not home for this usually very, very busy time of farm work.

I have nonetheless discovered that working like an Indian coal miner back home is much lighter work then attending the endless get togethers that seem to occur.

How do you do it?

Beginning in Sydney at the DNA Magazine Christmas Party, I have been to more shindigs related to the fat man in red and small child  in crib than I have in my entire life. 

Brought up never being able to say no, I have found myself in a position of excusing myself from dinners early and ducking to the next one and finding many of the same people doing the same thing...and re-continuing the same conversations. It really is hilarious.

Though each day that I have a full recovery, by working alone without interruption, it's like I get my second wind and get to have a ball all over again, and don't even need to fork out a forced laugh when I'm feeling bloody tired and in need of an exit.

Three parties ago was one such brilliant do. It came after I performed at Dance Dynamic Showcase Ball at the San Remo Ballroom in Carlton...Yes, I still dance and have lessons from the wonderful Laura McKenzie when I am in town...which unfortunately was rarely over the past two months as I journeyed between my farm, Brisbane, GC, Sydney and Melbourne, so it ended up us learning our routine the day before the ball. I'll let you be the judges of my performance when I post the video in the coming days. After an exhilarating quickstep and  jive, my supporting mates and I headed to the Riva Christmas Party...and mate there were more recognisable faces there than at a family dinner. It was great to catch up with the many stars of sport, film and TV that I have come to know over the past years, with some absolutely awesome fun with fellow 'Dancing With The Stars' contender Naomi Robson...We truly burned the dance floor and would have tripled our highest scores on the show if we'd had a judging panel.

On top of making a stack of new besties, I was so fortunate to meet Jacqueline Pascarl, the heroic woman with the heart of a lion who endured the kidnapping of her children by her Malaysian prince ex-husband...It truly is incredible to be able to meet such people who make your own life seem so easy.

Well I can't stay and keep babbling, I must get ready for another Christmas party...but rest assured there will be no incriminating videos as I am in the middle of cooking a lamb stew, which I will have a feed of before setting out into the most difficult of my roles....Christmas party attendee