I will never forget being the lone boy who refused to cheer and clap Nelson Mandela in Trafalgar Square at the Celebrate South Africa and ten years of democracy concert.
It was the first ever concert in the famed London Square and I was admitted by chance as a group that my mates and I had bumped into in a pub offered me their spare ticket.
Two shocking things occurred that day (well three, but the third you will have to wait for my autobiography). The first was mid-song by Scary Spice when her boob popped out (and then ran off stage in tears after not realising for what seemed an eternity...well I was in the front row, and did try to inform her), and the second was when the rather frail looking Mandela began a tirade of pro ANC...not pro democracy...rantings.
He went on to claim the growing strength of his party at the polls, that they were on track to claim 60% of the federal vote. It made me sick. Here was the man we all looked to as the modern day Jesus or Gandhi and yet really he was just another African tribalist, hell bent on putting his team forward at the expense of democracy and minorities.
Time has vindicated my absence of approval at his disgusting approval of a one party state. South Africa is a fragment of its once great self, the only real difference being one group of thugs were replaced by another...oh, and instead of white bums these ones have black ones.
Just like the National Party Regime that propped up Ian Smith's minority controlled Republic of Rhodesia, the ANC has continued to prop up the murderous regime of Robert Mugabe in the name changed Republic of Zimbabwe...
One Party states have one thing in common ...One Party and only those in the team get to party whilst the population suffers.
I have many Southern African friends and take a great interest in the region, after all yesterday I took delivery of fifteen Namibian Dorper rams on my farm, so it was with great relief today that I learnt of the successes of the New Party that is set to finally bring about a true democracy in Africa.
COPE has been formed as a right-of-centre alternative from the ANC and, finally, unlike the opposition DP, has the ability to give the people of this Rainbow Nation a real sense of peace after their very, very long storm.
Unlike the ANC, COPE is not shackled to the Black Unions, criminal behaviour or the mystical beliefs and popularism of the masses.. hell, the ANC leader raped a woman, Winnie Mandela murdered a child, and the party's Health Minister denies that HIV and AIDS are related or that it's a real problem.
Like the ANC, COPE has been born from tyrannical behaviour, but unlike the ANC they are winning their voice through legal means, not terrorism.
This is a time to be glorified, not the sad transition from a one party state to One Party that was being celebrated in Trafalgar Square all those years ago.