Are we now getting to know the Real Rudd….the limp nancy who now as a world leader sits and fiddles with his pay boys and media mates while the people of Tibet cry out in what will be their last ditch attempt at autonomy?
Yes, he is the most popular Prime Minister since it seemed necessary to make it into a weekly popularity contest. But you are a fool if you think he is a leader of distinction.
Eight years ago when in Tibet, I was transformed from vehemently anti-Chinese Imperialism to one who understood the importance of the ability for large nations with territories of low economic return to raise living standards and quality of life…. Prior to the Maoist invasion of 1959, Tibet was a feudal state whereby the ruling class kept the huge majority of its people firmly under its thumb, both politically and religiously. However, the Tibetans were allow to be Tibetans. I do not agree with independence at all…go there and you will see why…but meaningful autonomy is what the Himalayan nation needs… with that unimaginable influx of immigrants from around China, the country is now indeed part of China…You can not kick them out, but you can give this very different region with its very different customs a greater say in its future.
Recently we have seen that the Tibetans’ living standards have been negated…They are locked in their homes, unable to purchase basic foods, and quality of life…ha, we have seen dozens dead on footpaths for marking the 1959 military invasion anniversary of their country.
We would never accept this in Australia. Imagine… the sorry marchers, the equal rights marchers, the farmers marching against control by big business, all being slaughtered and intimidated whilst marching across Sydney Harbour Bridge or Fitzroy Street in Melbourne.
It wouldn’t happen.
So tell me why does this pathetic man, who has brainwashed us all into thinking he will tackle the hard issues, allow a country that depends so heavily on US, yes Australia, for its wheels of industry, to turn sit by and do nothing.
The Arab world sells us energy, if they want they control us. We sell China vast amounts of energy, yet our Prime Minister uses none of that leverage.
Why? Because he is all talk.
Spit on me if you want by raising the fact that John Howard supported the East Timorese in their resistance to the Indonesian empire’s subjugation. Similarly, East Timor is a very poor state that needed the economic support from its former ruler, just as Tibet does desperately need the Chinese built infrastructure. Australia stayed and continues to support security in East Timor (the way it should be if you get involved in a fight).
It seems Rudd’s only use of his fluent Mandarin is to organise incredibly HUGE donations to his Labor Party from Chinese businessmen, oh and hospitality that even a rock star would blush at.
Rudd, you great maker of smoke screens, you have been talking to the WRONG Chinaman. You need to be talking to Hu Jintao, and start with a big… ‘I hear you have a smog problem in Beijing…I can fix that by turning around the boats laden with coal and iron and sending them back to Australia’.
Or are the fat prices our massive mining companies are receiving too great to forgo and assist the Tibetans in their struggle for freedom of life…?
Where are all the anti-war campaigners????? Those people who empathise so heavily with the Arabs, who blow themselves up along with busloads of commuters or market places of women and children…. Are the Tibetans too peaceful??? Or are the Chinese not Jews???
Big questions… yeah sure and big statements on my part, but come on Australia when is this blind adoration of Kevin Rudd going to end? How much does he have to pocket? How many innocent people do we have to see crushed by thug nations? How many more millions of tonnes of coal do we pump into propping up China’s ability to pollute itself off the latest aerial photos?
I have no special love for the Tibetans. Whilst it was an incredible journey throughout their country, I have never been so vilified as I was in Tibet for my race, or never loved and adored so much for the same race by the Chinese… However, no people should be stopped from expressing their unhappiness with their leaders….
….just as I am venting my unhappiness with my leader now.