It may be the only time I say it, so I may as well put it in writing. When Kevin, our dear leader, told the Chinese thugs that they are not doing the right thing in Tibet, I defrosted a little. Then he did a great speech in Mandarin to some students and reinforced the position, as well as one of internationalism..I warmed. Then he went and made a Queenslander our Governor General and I went all sickly sweet with love…

Howzat!! A Qld GG, a Qld PM, a Qld Treasurer and a Qld Premier…we run the show!!

No, seriously, I must say good show K Rudd, you impress me even when I don’t find your slick media machine working on me.

Back to the new GG, can the republicans get a life… we have an Australian head of state! As well, we have a Crown who reserves any power to stop the abuse of power.

As for the feminists coming out applauding the appointment, I agree its a great day for their movement, but lets remember we have had a Queen atop our system of Government for a rather long time, who has truely shown us that women are no less able then men to hold the most senior of positions and do so with the greatest of dignity, which after all is what the most senior positions require.

So Kev, whilst we are on a good thing let’s not ruin it by this silly rot about a republic… We have the best system of government I have seen…and I have been around.